Mansion Farm

deed restrictions

Posted in: Mansion Farm
  • Stock
  • gmom60
  • Respected Neighbor
  • 198 Posts

I thought this was a deed restriction neighborhood. guess not with all the boats,trailers pop up campers and oh yes white fences. It's like any other neighborhood. do what you want.

There certainly is a need for increased enforcement!

OK Jean, tell everyone how you did it!

We send letters to the homeowner about the boar, etc.  They remove the boat for a week or so and then it returns.  Another letter goes out and the cycle starts all over again.  We have had lawyers send letters...the cycle starts all over again and we have a $400 bill for nothing.  Please tell me how you would handle this.  We tried to get fines added into our bylaws last Feb.  That was shot down because noboby bothers going to these meetings...nobody votes.  So again, tell me how to do this!  Join the board and help us. 

Bear, Delaware 19701