Yes, Marble House circle is on the list and the dead tree and some weeds have been removed from there this week. They are going to mulch that area and put some new shrubs there within the next week.
The other mailbox area near Dynasty was already cleaned up by a resident and looks really good.
As for the cluster mailboxes throughout the townhome section, I just called the US Postal Service to see who is responsible for maintaining them. The supervisor is off until Wednesday. I left a message and hope to hear back next week. Once I receive the response, I will bring it up at the September board meeting to vote on it if we are responsible. This maybe a project that we can also get volunteers to help with depending on who is responsible.
We are waiting on a quote to address the 2 islands (off of Dynasty and Monticello both off of Mansion Farm Drive). The area needs to be cleaned up and the trees on Monticello side look dead.
Thank you all for the positive feedback!