Mar Vista Community Forum

Councilwoman Cindy Miscikowski October 2003 E-News

Oct 22, 2003

Much has happened since our last edition of Enews.
October 17, 2003

Certainly much has happened since our last edition of Enews. California has a new Governor (a resident of the 11th Council District) and the next few months promise to be quite interesting as the new administration has promised to get down to work to solve our budget crisis.

This means that the City of Los Angeles will be renewing our commitment to protecting those revenues we get from the State which provide us with the necessary resources to provide for our communities. With the Vehicle License Fee on the table for removal, the City of Los Angeles faces the very real possibility of losing $175 Million. This is on top of the already $52 Million the state cut from our budget earlier this year.

While we have successfully avoided drastic service reductions and have forced departments to endure budget cuts of up to 7 % across the board, we are quickly running out of options. If we do lose the $175 Million, we will be facing severe cut backs - possibly lay-offs - and will be forced to cut services our residents count on like police, fire and paramedics. Clearly this is a very critical time for us.

I was pleased to see so many Angelenos represented on the Governor-elect's transition team, including Mayor Jim Hahn. You can be assured that we are working hard to ensure that our concerns are reaching Sacramento. Our message must continue to be that the State cannot balance the budget on the back of local government and at the risk of sacrificing public safety.

We will continue to keep you apprised of how the changes in Sacramento will affect you and your community.

Calender Items:
October 9-19, 2003, Pacific Palisades Chabad Succot Fall Celebration- Succot structure will be placed on Monument Street
sidewalk between Bashford Street and Sunset Blvd.

Tuesday, October 21, 2003, Palms Neighborhood Council Meeting, Iman Center, 6:30pm,

Tuesday, October 21, 2003, Del Rey Neighborhood Council Meeting, Playa del Rey Elementary, 7:00pm

Wednesday, October 22, 2003, Mar Vista Community Council's Safety and Security Committee, Palms Middle School, 7:00pm,

October 23rd, 6pm - Westchester Streetscape Improvement Association will meet at the Westchester Municipal Building community room.

Saturday, October 25, 2003; 6:30am - noon, GLOWS Halloween 5k Fun Run/Walk, Brentwood Glen

Saturday, October 25, 2003; 7am - 4pm, St. Mark's 4th Annual Volleyball Tournament, Coeur d' Alene between Naples and Grandview Avenues

October 29th, 7:30am: Annual Westchester/LAX/Marina del Rey Chamber of Commerce Protectors Breakfast to be held at Marina del Rey Marriott Hotel. The keynote speaker will be Chief William Bratton. Reservations are required - please contact the chamber at (310) 645-5151 to save your seat.

Tuesday, October 28, 2003, Mar Vista Community Council's Transportation Committee, Mar Vista Recreation Center Craft Room, 7:00pm,

Monday, November 3, 2003, Del Rey Homeowners and Neighbors Association Board of Directors Meeting, Venice Japanese Community Center, 7:00pm

November 4th, 6:30pm - Westchester-Playa del Rey Neighborhood Council will meet at LMU. For more information, check

Wednesday, November 5, 2003, Del Rey Homeowners and Neighbors Association General Meeting, Location to be announced, 7:00pm

Thursday, November 6, 2003, Mar Vista Community Council's Urban Planning Committee, Location to be announced, 6:00pm,

November 10th, 6pm - Westchester Vitalization Corporation will meet at the Westchester Municipal Building community room.

Tuesday, November 11, 2003, Mar Vista Community Council, Mar Vista Recreation Center, 7:00pm,

News You Can Use:
irport News- On Tuesday I hosted a group of mayors from Inland Empire cities at Los Angeles City Hall. The mayors of Ontario, San Bernardino, Victorville and EL Segundo joined me in City Hall with the message that we need to answer the regional air transport question by working together. As partners in a regional coalition, we'll understand that the Inland Empire has airports that are ready and willing to take the aviation capacity that we are trying to constrain at LAX. Additionally, a big growth boom is expected in the Inland Empire, as over the next 20 years a population twice the size of Chicago will move to the Los Angeles metropolitan region.

Crisis Response Team- A volunteer program is being offered through the Mayor's office to provide immediate on-scene crisis intervention, emotional support and referrals to victims and their families involved in traumatic incidents. Volunteers respond to calls concerning abused and neglected children, death notification, drive-by shootings, fires, homicides, major car accidents, natural deaths and suicides. Volunteer's are a member of a crisis team made up of police, fire and emergency room personnel, and are there to provide victims and their family's with support and counsel. Volunteers are trained and are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you are interested in volunteering or want more information on this wonderful program, contact Jeffrey Zimerman at 213-978-0640 or

Brush Fire Season Safety Protocol- The period between October 1 and December 31 has historically been recognized as brush fire season. The Santa Ana Winds commonly experienced during this period, combined with a dry winter season can create a unique hazard for the Los Angeles area. Because there is an extremely high risk of brush and urban widlfires this year the Los Angeles Fire Department in partnership with Los Angeles Police Department and Los Angeles Department of Transportation have developed a four-phase plan to address response and evacuation on narrow streets in the very high fire hazard severity zone. A critical component of this plan is the elimination of illegal parking in the mountain areas. Please be aware of No Parking areas, and follow the signage as parking in the sever hazard zones is a major public safety hazard. If you have questions regarding these no parking zones and or the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone you can contact the fire department at 213-485-6003 or Adena Tessler on my staff at 213-485-3811.

Entertainment Industry Development Corporation - KPMG Audit- As many of you know, the EIDC is the organization charged with issuing filming permits in Los Angeles. The consulting firm of KPMG recently released audited financial statements and a management report on the organization, which includes a section devoted to issues involving the neighborhood impacts of filming. You can find these documents on-line at where they are listed under quick links, under a section devoted to EIDC Auditors Reports. These reports will eventually be discussed before the City Council's Conventions, Tourism, Entertainment Industry and Business Enterprise Committee, the committee that will play a key role in the development of a new contract between the City of Los Angeles and the EIDC. I will continue to be an advocate for ensuring that neighborhoods and community councils are part of the process of reform and that sufficient neighborhood protection issues are addressed by the EIDC. As I have said before, only a partnership between film industry professional and community leaders will produce a genuinely successful and supportive environment for this important Los Angeles industry.

Adelphia Cable Update- Hopefully, Adelphia Cable subscribers have received a refund and their first credit on the roll back of recent rate increases in the current billing cycle, which began on September 21st. The refund to consumers will total $6.1 million for more than 222,500 Adelphia subscribers. Each subscriber refund will be between $25 and $32, which will be in the form of a credit. In addition, each subscriber will receive a roll back credit on their monthly cable bill between $1.56 and $2.26, until Adelphia files for new rates.

Did you know? House number painting on curbs is permitted by the City of Los Angeles, however the permittees have to abide by the following rules: painters must give sufficient advance notice when house number painting is scheduled so as to allow time for the property owner or occupants to object. Such notice shall be in writing and contain Permittee's name and telephone number and the date the work will be done.

Solicitation for donations or payment for the work shall be made in a civil and courteous manner without inference that donations are mandatory, or that the City establishes or regulates the amount of such donations. Permits must be in possession of the persons performing the work and available for inspection on demand. If you believe a person or persons are in violation of the aforementioned requirements please contact Street Use Inspector Karen Bowie at 310.575.8479.

Share the Road Signs- I introduced a motion some time ago regarding putting up share the road signs on our city streets to help foster cooperation and better safety between vehicles and bicyclists. The Department of Transportation has been working on a proposal which recently came to the transportation committee and the full Council, where it was approved unanimously. The signs will be placed at over 80 locations throughout the City where bicycle lanes end or where there is a transition from a bicycle path to a bicycle route. The signs should start being put up throughout the City in a few months, in the meantime DOT is creating a study to try and determine how effective these new signs will be. There are 12 signs planned for CD11, and I will keep you informed as to the timing of their installation. And a big thank you to the Department of Transportation for preparing the report and criteria for the signs.

Goodbye to Kristen Montet- Kristen has been a member of my staff, since I took office 6 plus years ago. She started off volunteering for my campaign, and has since filled the role of field deputy, associate planning deputy and for the past 4 years as my Chief Planner. Kristen has been a stellar employee and she will be missed not only by CD11 staff but by all of those who have had the opportunity to work with her on projects throughout the district. Kristen has fulfilled the role of Chief Planning Deputy for CD11 with unbelievable dedication and expertise. We wish her the best in her future endeavors and in her new role at the Los Angeles Unified School District where she will play an integral part in their facilities planning department.

New Chief Planning Deputy- We have a new Chief Planning Deputy, Kevin Keller. Kevin comes to us from the City's Planning Department and has also worked as Council District 13's Chief Planner. In addition to his experience with the City of Los Angeles, Kevin holds a Masters' Degree in Urban Planning and is a professionally credentialed member of the American Institute of Certified Planners. We are very excited to welcome Kevin to the CD11 staff, and feel that he will do a great job as our new Chief Planner. As did Kristen before him, Kevin will handle and or oversee all major projects within the district. He is located in our downtown office, at 213-485-3811 or by email at

HALLOWEEN PRECAUTIONS URGED FOR PETS AND "TRICK-OR-TREATERS" FROM L.A. ANIMAL SERVICES-L.A. Animal Services cautions residents to take special safety precautions during Halloween to ensure the holiday is safe and enjoyable for children and family companion animals. L.A. Animal Services joins other local animal control agencies in restricting the adoption and release of black cats from shelters during Halloween, as they often become the target of pranks and abuse during the holiday. Black cats will not be available for adoption from City of Los Angeles Animal Shelters from October 20 to November 2, 2003. The cats will be held through the holiday and will be available for adoption after November 2, 2003. (Note: The only exception to the Halloween black cat restriction applies to shelter adoption partners/rescue groups holding 501c3 cards.)

L.A. Animal Services urges pet owners to take the following precautions during Halloween: Leave pets at home. Do not take them trick-or-treating. Keep all pets indoors - including those that normally live outside. This will help prevent them from escaping and becoming victims of pranks or abuse. Keep pets in a secure and quiet room - as far away as possible from Halloween activity. Keep children away from animals. Otherwise friendly animals may be frightened and behave unexpectedly. Restrict your pet's access to jack o' lanterns and candles - they can become injured or cause a fire. Have traceable identification on pets at all times. Remember that scared animals tend to run and may run away from home. Identification tags and microchips help reunite owners with their companion animals. Make sure each animal has a collar with a license or tag with the owner's name and telephone number.

If a pet becomes lost, begin searching immediately. Visit L.A. Animal Services' website: that features photos of all shelter animals. You can also visit L.A. animal shelters - beginning with the nearest one - as often as possible. If a lost animal is brought to a shelter, personnel will call the owner listed if the animal has a license or other identification. Do not give trick-or-treat candy to pets. Chocolate can pose a special risk to an animal's health if ingested in toxic amounts. High levels of chocolate can cause restlessness, increased urination and even convulsions. In severe cases, it can cause cardiac and respiratory arrest and death. Should an animal ingest chocolate and display these symptoms, consult a veterinarian immediately.

If you must dress your pet in a Halloween costume: Do not use rubber bands or anything constricting, annoying or unsafe. Be extra-careful with ties, snaps or zippers that can restrict breathing or movement. Do not place hats, hoods or other material over an animal's face. This can agitate an animal.

If you must take your dog "Treat-or-Treating," make sure it is properly tethered. Use a leash but make sure its collar is not on too tight. Remember that all dogs have the potential to bite!

Prevent all human and domestic contact with bats! Bats are increasingly implicated as important reservoirs for rabies transmittal to humans. Rabies can be transmitted through bite exposure (teeth penetrating the skin). Rabies can also be transmitted through non-bite exposure to a bat's saliva such as through the contamination of open wounds, abrasions and mucous membranes. If you suspect that you or your companion animal has been exposed in any way to a bat, immediately seek medical attention and request that you and/or your pet be tested for rabies. If possible, safely collect the bat and also submit it for rabies testing. Should a bite or scratch occur, immediately and thoroughly wash the area with soap and water and seek medical attention.

For additional information on companion animal safety, residents may call L.A. Animal Services at 1-888-4LA-PET1 / 1-888-452-7381 (TTY Hearing Impaired: 877-875-8205) or visit the Department's website:

District News:

Pico Boulevard Community Design Overlay Zone- As you may be aware a CDO for Pico Boulevard between Santa Monica City limits and the 405 freeway has been in the works for some time now. The City's Planning Commission recently passed the proposed zone unanimously. The CDO still must go through the Council's Planning and Land Use Management Committee and then to the full City Council in order for it to be officially adopted. I am very thankful to those in the community who were involved and many thanks to City Planning staff who have worked very hard on this.

Postponement of Commuter Express Route 430 Service Cancellation- LADOT is postponing the cancellation of service on Commuter Express Route 430. The department intends to follow Mayor and City Council adopted policy directives to cancel services which includes a public hearing to outline the reasons for the proposed cancellation and to receive testimony from interested citizens concerning the proposed cancellation. No official hearing date has been established, I will keep you posted on the progress.

Great News for Venice! - My staff has been working with the Grass Roots Venice Neighborhood Council's Parking Committee and the LA Department of Transportation (DOT) for nearly one year to find more parking for Venice residents. One of the projects that we have been working on is to allow overnight parking in Lots 701 and 731, which are on Venice Blvd., near Pacific. The Coastal Commission told DOT that they would not allow any change in the present use unless the City installed a drainage system, which would cost $1.5 million. DOT combed through past records and discovered that a drainage system had already been installed and was in compliance with the Coastal Commission's requirements with respect to storm drain run-offs and Best Management Practices. DOT senior management just approved the Amendment to the Permit, which allows for increased parking access (24 hr/7 days weekly) and is in the process of submitting the Amendment and requisite attachments to the Coastal Commission. This is a shining example of how the City Council, the Neighborhood Councils and the City departments can work together to resolve community problems. Special thanks to Greg Fitchett and Bonnie Cheesman of GRVNC and to DOT staff for their perseverance.

Town Hall Meeting- Chief William Bratton and Deputy Chief Lee Carter of LAPD West Bureau will be hosting a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, November 20, at Mears Center, which is located at 1760 Gower Street. The meeting will be from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. The meeting will discuss community and quality of life issues. Childcare will be available and refreshments will be served. For more information, contact Pacific Division Community Police Station at (310) 202-4501, or West LA Community Police Station at (310) 575-8402.

San Vicente Boulevard Resurfacing- Resurfacing of San Vicente Boulevard from Bringham to Bundy will take place over 2 weekends. This coming Saturday and Sunday, October 18 & 19, the north roadway will be paved and profiled. There will be a detour route in place for westbound traffic, eastbound lanes will remain unchanged. Traffic control officers will be in place at the major intersections, should things start to back up. The second phase will take place on November 1 & 2 for the south roadway, eastbound lanes.

West Los Angeles Animal Shelter Community Review Meeting- The City's Department of Animal Services, Bureau of Engineering, Cultural Affairs Department and my office are hosting a community meeting to preview the architectural drawings and the public art planned for the West LA Animal Shelter building, to be located at 11361 W. Pico Blvd. This is a great opportunity to take a peek at what this new, state of the art facility will look like and how it will interact with the surrounding West LA Community. I encourage all of you to come to this meeting, on Thursday, November 6, 2003 at 6:30 pm in the West LA Municipal Building, 1645 Corinth Ave., Room 200. If you have any questions, please contact the City's Public Art Division of Cultural Affairs at 213-473-8570.

Light the Night - Congratulations to the Westchester/LAX/Marina del Rey Chamber of Commerce, Gateway to LA BID, and LAWA for sponsoring the Light the Night Walk on October 2nd. Nearly 1000 participants turned out for the event, which raised approximately $150,000 for cancer research. I was proud to attend and be involved in an incredible evening of music and other festivities all for such a worthwhile cause.

Del Rey Neighborhood Council Certification- The Del Rey Neighborhood Council is going before the Board of Neighborhood Commissioners for certification on Tuesday, October 28th. The meeting will be held at the Los Angeles International Airport Administration Building - Samuel Greenbert Board Room, No. 107/116, #1 World Way, Los Angeles, the meeting will start at 7:00pm. If you need a ride or if you have any questions, please contact Sandi Sawa in my Westchester office, (310) 568-8772.

Charnock Road Median- The Mar Vista Landkeepers Preservation, led by Beth Moreno, finished their first phase of the Charnock Road Median Restoration. Last Saturday, they planted 50 one gallon lantanas, freeway daisies, gazanias and 2 fifteen gallon flowering pear trees. For more information on the next planting, please contact Beth at

Grand View Blvd Trees- Our office is working with the Department of Water and Power and the Department of Recreation and Parks to plant trees along Grand View Boulevard next to the North Venice Little League. If you have any questions about this project, please contact Sandi Sawa in my Westchester office, (310) 568-8772.

Ballona Creek & Trail Focused Special Study- Culver City has put together a special study looking at improvements along the Ballona Creek. You can check their website for more information:

Westchester Recreation Center - Good news! The newly built recreation center is almost completed. The new gym will have a full sized basketball court, volleyball court, bleachers for spectators, and a scoreboard. There will be a grand opening coming soon and I look forward to seeing you all at the Recreation Center. For more information, you can contact the Recreation Center directly at (310) 670-7473 or contact Krista Pleiser in my Westchester office at (310) 568-8772.

New traffic signal at Manchester and Sepulveda Westway - As you may have seen, the Department of Transportation is installing a signal at this intersection to better facilitate driver safety in this area. This signal will be a definite benefit to the community, and should be operational in 4-6 weeks.

I hope you have enjoyed this update. As always, I welcome your thoughts and suggestions on making this monthly newsletter more interesting, informative and useful to you. If you like what you see and weren't an original recipient, e-mail your "subscription requests" to If you have friends or neighbors you think might like to receive this monthly update, please refer them to us. Thanks for your interest! Also e-mail us if you don't want to receive this newsletter, and we'll take you off the list.


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