The MVCC Executive Committee (EC) met in the Arts Room at the Mar Vista Recreation Center in the evening of Tuesday, June 3rd, under MVCC Chair, Tom Ponton. Only members of the EC were present, with the exception of Barbara Corry who is a Director (i.e. member of the MVCC Board), but not a member of the EC.
The EC put together an agenda for the next Board meeting on Tuesday, June 10, and also discussed the format and agenda of the next stakeholders?’ meeting scheduled for July 8. For the quarterly stakeholders meeting it is proposed to invite everyone to register their concerns and suggestions and to give stakeholders the opportunity to participate in the work of the MVCC.
The EC discussed the structure of a future Outreach Committee, which may have sub-committees for Public Relations, Communications and the Website.
It seems that the regular meeting time and place for the EC has yet to be decided.
All meetings of the MVCC and its committees are required to be open to the public.
[This reporter highly recommends that all interested persons, especially all Directors, attend a two hour presentation on the Brown Act on June 21 (- see the entry under the "Community Calendar" heading on our home page.)]