Marlborough Mesa

Tattoo Shop v.s. Trashy Homes

Posted in: Marlborough Mesa
I'm somewhat confused on the priorities some have in our neighborhood. Some choose to take offense to a small business man trying to make a living instead of being concerned about homes right next door that make a large impact on the value of your home! In the scheme of things what's more important? I much rather attempt to make our IMMEDIATE area presentable than to take issue with a business (frankly that may not make it)that is in a small commercial area. Where is the out cry for our property values that are more at risk by trashy homes! Second, I have 25 yrs of experience dealing with communities in Tempe and Tattoo shops never presented a crime trend or hang out area for the '' Wrong Element ''. By the way have you all noticed the new business at the N/W corner of Baseline and Alma School? A new Check Cashing Store! One guess who the target audience is for this establishment. You might want to be more concerned with these type of businesses v.s. a tattoo shop!

By Steve
Code Compliance and Tatoos

Good point Steve! It is important for our neighborhood to deal with ugly homes and yards and we have been crying out for years to the city for help dealing with the problem properties. I know that many meetings have been held with Code Compliance and our neighborhood leaders trying to deal with just this issue.

I have not heard anyone in our neighborhood connect a tatoo and body piercing business to crime or crime trends until you mentioned it. We do know that the owner of the accupuncture shop says that her customers are having difficulty relaxing because of the swearing they hear through the wall coming from the tatoo business.

Yes, tatoo businesses do have a certain stereotype, justified or not, just as do the Check cashing stores. We already have a tatoo business in the Dairy Queen shopping center, and it has not proven (to my knowledge) to be a problem or to cause crime.

City Council has said that all tatoo and body piercing businesses need a council use permit. When they make these kind of decisions, it is because of a public outcry for help from neighbors like us.

From a business aspect, have you talked to our current tatoo business to see if he/she fears a reduction in business with competition trying to move in across the street?

Also, why did he spend so much money to locate here and then follow his gut feeling that there was a restriction for his business. Maybe we should be concerned about his business sense if he can't even get his business opened correctly. What assurances do we have that he will operate correctly or honorably?

Mesa, Arizona 85210