Do you want to learn more about the Gaylord project or extending light rail through downtown Mesa directly from the source? You will have the chance to ask Mesa Mayor Scott Smith these questions and more at A Conversation with the Community, a summer series of town hall-style meetings with the mayor. Come hear about current City topics and ask questions about your neighborhood, major projects or anything else you are curious about. Mayor Smith will have an open forum discussion to provide answers to residents’ questions. "I enjoy meeting and having an open dialogue with Mesa residents." Mayor Scott Smith said. "I talk with many residents at meetings, events and gatherings on a daily basis, these meetings are another opportunity for me to have contact with more people." The meeting will be held at the following locations: Thursday, August 27, 2009 Mesa Community College Red Mountain Campus 7110 East McKellips Road Mesquite Building Community Room (2nd floor) 6 pm reception 6:30 pm program Additional dates may be added. Light refreshments will be served and seating is limited so please RSVP to or 480.644.3219.