Maunawili Community Association

MUSE Vol 5, Issue 1 March 2002

March 2002

You are cordially invited to Supper in the Park
No need to cook Easter Sunday Eve. Easter Fellowship will be held March 30, 2002 at 5:00 p.m. in Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park. The Community Association and our MCA President (and resident chef) Ed Gomes will provide sweet-bread and Portuguese bean soup for our tummies. Don't forget -- March 30, 2002. Please come with your sit-upon, bring the family, and spend some time with your neighbors. Saturday, March 30, 2002, beginning at 5:00 p.m. at the park.

Community Association Annual Meeting
April 9, 2002, 7:00 p.m.
Trinity Church 875 Auloa Road
Election of Officers and Directors
Presentations concerning filming and
clean-up activities in Maunawili Valley

These are your neighbors that have already agreed to run and serve in 2002-2003 as Officers and Directors of the
Maunawili Community Association

SECRETARY: Linda Ure -
TREASURER: Rose Faria -
Assistant: Georgette Gomes -
MUSE EDITOR: Linda Ure -
DIRECTORS: Jim Corcoran -

Please join us at our annual membership meeting and help us fill vice president, planning and zoning, traffic and safety and additional directors positions.

Filming in Maunawili Valley

A letter has been received by the Kailua Neighborhood Board that Revolution Studios will be producing a Bruce Willis feature film in Hawaii and using the Maunawili site constructed last year for the television pilot "Lessons Learned." The specific Maunawili filming dates have not yet been determined, but the entire shooting schedule, involving several sites on Oahu, is set for March 22 - June 30, 2002. The set will be disassembled in July. The production company will be constructing an African village set and are working with the Luluku Banana Farmers Cooperative, DLNR and the County of Honolulu to comply with all State and County regulations governing the area. Representatives of the production company will be meeting with the Maunawili Community Association to answer any question they may have. We hope to have a presentation and discussion at our MCA Annual Meeting, April 9, 2002. This project, $70 million, should make significant production expenditures in Hawaii. Please call Donne Dawson at 586-2570 for further information.

Pali Training Camp

The US Army Corps of Engineers remain committed to mitigating potential human health and safety risks due to prior training exercises in areas of Windward Oahu. The former Pali Training Camp covered 4,378 acres. A large portion of this acreage was located in Maunawili Valley between the Diocese and Auloa Road and the farmland and trails area between surrounding Maunawili Estates from the mountain ridges to Waimanalo.
Camp training aids consisted of 200- and 300-yard rifle ranges, four obstacle courses, an infiltration course, a combat in cities course, a close combat course, and a 400-yard long jungle firing course. An artillery impact area was also established in the rear of Maunawili Valley. The final cleanup with the assistance of Superfunds is now being implemented with the US Army Corps of Engineers. Residents with information to share on areas needing attention are urged to come to the Annual Meeting to hear a brief presentation and join with the resource personnel to identify locations that may not have been recorded or addressed in the past.
Chuck Streck or the US Army Engineer District office may be contacted at 438-6934.

Wetland in a Box: It was announced that Wetland in a Box has run into financial difficulties since September 11, 2001 and is not to be moved to the Maunawili Pump Station at this time.

Christmas in Maunawili
Christmas was shared with the Windward Women's Abuse Shelter by sharing canned goods, decorations for the Christmas tree, and specific items needed for the Women and Children especially Teddy Bears in Brown or Black for the displaced children; cuddly toys and books, clothing and shoes for adult women and children of all ages; shampoo and conditioner, freezer bags (gallon and quart sizes with zip-lock) for personal items. The items were collection December 8 and delivered by Ed Gomes.

Mohala Nui Loa Maunawili
for opening your hearts.

Christmas Light Decorating
Santa's helpers went out to judge the lights and mailboxes on Christmas Eve and the neighborhood was just beautiful. Some of you actually saw us making our list and checking it twice.
We want to give a hearty holiday hug to the folks on Auloa Road for creating a winter wonderland of white icicles on eves, around columns and windows, garlands, plant boarders, shrubs--with Santa banners and wind-socks and American flags. The drive down our newly paved Auloa Road was delightful. It was easy to pretend snow was on the ground and we in a sleigh. We next went into the valley on Maunawili Road and they surprised us by decorating their yard evergreens and then making more Christmas trees out of lights. Garlands , wreaths and icicle lights hung everywhere--in the fences, on eves, and even on the palm trees. A jog to the left and we found ourselves on Maunawili Loop where the papaya trees were decorated in white, garages and carports dripped with icicles. We cruised around Maunawili Circle graced in theme of red, white, and blue throughout the circle with stars in lights, drapes and garlands twinkled with icicles. Sleighs and reindeer were displayed as well as large Christmas bows. Even the border plants were entwined in lights along with the wreaths on the doors. Lunaanela Street decorated with green wreaths and garlands and an extensive use of icicles in all kinds of colors. Lunaai Street found lovely ways to decorate the huge paper-bark trees, a variety of palms, the tiny snow-plants and many kinds of evergreens. While some palms were dressed in white, some were dressed in red. Besides the decorated eves and the trees we found Mary & Joseph with Baby Jesus, Angles of Peace, green garlands and wreaths, some with lights and some on doors, or windows, and a tiny church gracing the lawn while just across the street--a delightful sleigh and reindeer with snowmen–all in white. Lunaai Place decorated their mailboxes with Christmas presents, hung the lights from the eves, and the hedges. The colored bulbs on one home joined white ones on the next and then to the fences draped in tiny lights–like snow. Lunaanela Place ran lights in a garland fashion to the tops of their palms. Neighbors decorated together with icicles that twinkled. Something not seen in more recent years, the "Old Fashioned" colored Christmas bulbs returned and were used extensively to frame carports and eves. Snow-plants were gracefully draped in rose colored Italian lights. Dwarfed Paper-bark trees were beautifully lighted. On Lunahooko Place the icicles cascaded from the eves. Lunaawa Place placed wreaths and garlands among the lights creating a Christmas Card for the eyes easily seen from two streets. Lunahai Place decorated with icicles gently inviting us into the small circle.
Lunahaneli Place and Lunahana Place had turned out their lights–Santa must have been very tired after so much Christmas celebrating--but we could just discern the lights hanging from the eves. Lunahelu Place used colored lights as eves and garland drapes--ending in wreaths and with Santas on the doors, snowmen, icicles and big red bows on carport posts. The famous M & M's delivered Christmas presents at one home under a tree made entirely of lights at a home decorated on two sides to take advantage of the corner lot--so Santa couldn't miss! Lunaapono Place decorated with Santas and Snowmen, big red bows, lots and lots of icicles dripping from the eves, fences with white and blue lights and green wreaths tucked deep into carports.
Lunahooia Place decorated with twinkle lights in color and white, draping the eves in wreaths of light with American flag bunting and green garlands around the carport supports. A winter wonderland was created when the lights draped from the homes to the yards and the fences. The whole street was so very well done.
Arches, fences, shrubs, hedges, were all hung with white and colored lights. Wreaths and garlands were woven with lights and draped the many homes. Some dressed the eves with blue lights with white icicles and other dressed the eves in twinkling colored lights. Some even had blue icicles while another had red. Brick fences cascaded lights. Palm and papaya tress hung with lights. Bells,
Churches, Santas, Reindeer, Sleighs, Christmas Trees, Peace Angles, and Stockings were hung and decorated with lights. Mailboxes were made up as snowmen and evergreen trees; decorated with ornaments and even as small houses with presents and lights. Paper-bark trees were decked out in colored lights. A house that needed to be appreciated in the light of day was one decorated with poinsettias leading up the walk.
You did a fine job Maunawili. I bet from the sky it spelled out A Glorious 2002!
Our special thanks to the--

Barbieto's, Barretta's,
Beaufeaux's, Bowman's, Bright's,
Campbell's, Ching's, Chipchase's, Chun's,
Chung's, Coker's, Corcoran's, Davis', Durant's, Faria's, Fernandez's, Ferris', Fields',
FitzGerald's, Foye's, Gibbony's, Gibson's,
Gift's, Gilliland's, Gillhooly's, Goya's, Hallas',
Hemmings', Hoke's, Honjiyo's, Ichiyama's,
Imai's, Kagawa's, Kanter's, Kopec's, Kurahara's, Locricchio's, James', Jansen's, Jones',
Maddock's, Marshall's, Mau's, Minuth's,
Miranda's, Morihawa's, Murakami's, Murashige's, Nachtigall's, Pitcher's, Pochereva's, Rosa's, Schafer's, Schuman's, Shigeta's, Shoen's,
Smith's, Sowa's, Stender's, Suzuki's,
Takakawa's, Takanishi's, Takemura's,
Tamura's, Tano's, Tsubota's, Ure's,
Uyechi's, Wakatabe's, Ward's,
White's, Willimas', Yamashiro's,
and those we only know as
"To Our Neighbors"

Auloa Road since its re-paving
There was a death on Auloa Road in mid September, the victim died 5 days after the accident. You often see fresh flowers placed beside the road. There continues to be dumping of old vehicle parts, tires, and miscellaneous furniture. Although these have been reported, we must keep an eye out for the removal or further dumping along our newly re-paved Auloa Road. However, due to new changes in the ordinances, it is now possible to report vagrant autos directly to 911 for collection. Abandoned cats and dogs along Auloa Road continue to be rescued by our community and taken to safety.
Did you know that despite the signage for the intersection of Maunawili Road, Auloa Road, and Luana Hills Road the proper name of Luana Hills Road is Auloa Road to the point it went under the Kailua Road Bridge toward Kawai Nui Marsh. The remainder of the Luana Hills Road was originally one of several designated "Old Government Road" of which each had a number assigned.

Update on Maunawili and surrounding communities
The Kaiwai Nui Heritage Foundation held its annual meeting to approve the Foundation's Strategic Plan: 2001/2002, September 18th. Of note was that Stakeholder's names were listed to include: Ameron, Le Jardine, Weinberg Foundation, and Castle Medical Center. The Strategic Plan includes a path around the Marsh that is to have Environmental Assessment and an Environmental Impact Statement for the Kawainui Marsh Pathway. KHF has hired a full staff person for $47K per annum as the Executive Secretary. Susan Miller has been re-elected to President of the KHF. And the Knotts', located within the marsh properties is a lease with DLNR and is a month to month lease.
The MCA was successful in taking a hike through Maunawili Valley along Old Government Road on September 1 and 12 persons plus Bob Hogue were able to visit the site of the Heideman home, and a burial heau. The early settlement of Maunawili valley after the original Hawaiians was given by Dr. Paul Brennon, especially the area around what is now Trinity Church and School. The community was able to access the Old Government Road Network to ponds, across dams, to a preserved wooden bridge, the still existing Road to Waimanalo, the Queens Bath, Royal Palms and additional buildings such as the cook's house. Annie Moriyasa, one our community members, was able to film the educational reconnaissance. Did you know the Heideman home has even been a Girl Scout meeting place. We would like to see the Home picked up as was the Boettcher Estate for public preservation. The House needs to be properly protected and restored as an integral part of the history of not only Maunawili Valley, but the royal families of Hawaii. The Conservation Easement, spoken of in the City Council for access to the Windward Regional Park, could include the Heideman House and adjacent buildings and grounds. While the Heideman was originally a Castle home, along with 3 other structures, including the Boyd House, named for the Captain of the Infantry that lived there, and the "Cook House" also known as the "Blue House", all need to be preserved for the archeological site and midden heap surveys. Residents still visit the stream near the Heideman home to collect edible ferns. The MCA must keep the long term objective in mind and include Federal, State, and City & County representatives abreast of our findings from the hike and the study.
Linda Ure obtained DLNR authorization for the hike which permitted the group to walk on the Old Government Road network as well as adjacent land owned by the State. Dr. Brennon obtained authorization to visit sites owned by Weinberg/HRT.

Maunawili Valley--Something Old
and Something New
Did you know the area near Maunawili Stream below Maunawili Loop -- This is the area some may recall was plowed with water buffalo and planted with pole beans. Several offspring of the original pair of water buffalo, Linda and Sonny Boy, were named for the month they were born in--June, September, and August. And did you know other members of the community mowed their lawn with goats during those early days of the housing development in Maunawili Valley.

Helicopters: Ed Gomes sent yet another letter concerning overflight of helicopters in the neighborhood of homes instead of over the fields surrounding the homes.
Skateboards and In-Line-Skates
--have a new addition, the razor skateboard. While all are welcome in our neighborhood, we need to remind our children that riding on the roadway surface is illegal and very dangerous. While achieving a greater speed, the reaction time is short and serious injury become critical. Protect your children . . . remind them to stay off the streets.
Your board of directors is diligently working on a future mini-skate park for our neighborhood.

Noise Pollution
Mopeds, Bad Mufflers, Weed Whackers and Leaf Blowers. Be Courteous to your
neighbors, especially early mornings.

Scoop it up ! ! !
A reminder when you are walking on the "country roads" of Maunawili (especially the ones without sidewalks) please remember to pack your baggy . . . and scoop it up ! ! !

Report on Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park - Repairs and Improvements

The hole in the roof and the water damage of the pavilion has been repaired and the ceiling lights have been repaired repeatedly. While a clock was installed to turn off the lights at the pavilion, it caused a breaker to trip, so it is being repaired. The damaged light meter for a tennis court light (vandalism) will be removed because there is no power to that fixture. The toilets in the women's restroom were repaired. However, the Men's Restroom needs the urinal repaired. The lights on the tennis courts are being considered for adjustment so that the lights are not on when patrons are not using the park. As the lights inside the pavilion continue to go out regularly, it is suggested the City Parks and Recreation personnel place wire guards over the lights for protection against breakage. New Parking Spaces at Maunawili Park cause the parking lot to be much larger–it is suggested that a speed bump be added between the old parking lot and the new parking lot as some drivers gain too much speed before exiting the park.

Water Main Maunawili Road/Loop

The Board of Water Supply (BWS) is to replace the 12" water main under Maunawili Road and Maunawili Loop and install additional fire hydrants on Maunawili Road between Maunawili Park and Maunawili Estates. The design of a water main project in the Maunawili area involves the installation of new water mains, fire hydrants and appurtenances along the street from Auloa Road (at Kalanianaole Highway) , Maunawili Road, Maunawili Loop to Aloha Oe Drive (at the entrance to Maunawili Estates). This project will improve fire protection and water service to the residents in the area. BWS states that they will inform us when they plan to start construction. Questions may be addressed to Francis Fung at 527-5203. It has been reported by residents that there is concern that as there is a fire hydrant on Maunawili Loop it seems redundant to add more at this time. As the Board of Water Supply is not active at this time on upgrading the water mains and fire hydrants on Maunawili Road and Maunawili Loop we can anticipate a revised start date, perhaps when the filming is completed in Maunawili Valley.

Capital Improvements Projects - Maunawili area

The CIP list of the Kailua Neighborhood Board addresses the needs of Maunawili Valley. The Maunawili Dog Park is still on the list and getting closer to being a reality. The Maunawili Community Neighborhood Park is scheduled to have an addition of a mini skate board park similar to the one recently placed at Kailua District Park. Bus Shelters at Lower Auloa Road are being investigated for land acquisition and location to attend to both sides of the Highway. We support the construction of these bus shelters for our residents that address keeping us dry, shaded, and most of all, safe from highway traffic. Also, the guard rails continue to be damaged in auto accidents. We continue to report them.
It is requested from and for our youth that a 1/4 pipe form be added to the Maunawili Community Neighborhood Mini Skate-Board Park and the MCA will continue to work on this with the Kailua Neighborhood Board for the CIP projects for 2003-2004.

Our Elected Representatives:
Senator Bob Hogue 587-7215
Fax: 587-7220
Representative David A. Pendleton 586-9490
Fax: 586-9496
Councilmember Steve Holmes 547-7002
Fax: 523-4220

Municipal Landfill - Kapaa Quarry

September 26, 2001 in Kapolei Hale, Senator Hanabusa informed the audience that Mayor Harris is evaluating Kapaa Quarry, Kailua, for a replacement to Waimanalo Gulch which currently receives 800 Tons/day of solid waste, 600 Tons/day of Ash and also Sewer Sludge. Ameron is to work in Phase II, opposite Phase I and it is being evaluated by C&C as a landfill. However, the Quarry in Phase I is not on the C&C list of potential sites for future landfills that was handed out at the hearing and a location may not be evaluated unless it is on the list of potential sites. On October 4, the KNB passed a resolution that C&C and State move away from stone-age technology of burying and burning to alternatives such as Plasma Enhanced Melters as a means to emission free disposal of waste. Jeff Stone reported at the hearing that the City/Private Partnerships make a great deal of money under the current system of bury and burn. It is EPA regulations that incineration facilities have until 2003 to re-fit their stacks to more efficient scrubbers for emissions or close down. This will be expensive. Castle Medical Center stopped incineration of 9 other hospitals medical waste for lack of permitting and expense of upgrading. The City Department of Environmental Services, Director Tim Steinberger, spoke for Mayor Harris, Representative Cynthia Thielen spoke with Mr. Doyle and he stated the City is evaluating Kapaa Quarry Phase I as a landfill site and it is being picked up on inventory. It is cautioned that the Kawainui Marsh is impacted by any addition of a landfill site and Kawainui Heritage Foundation, Hawaii Thousand Friends, and the Kailua Neighborhood Board are actively following these developments. The KNB has received the MCA Motion that the Maunawili Community Association opposes landfill expansion at Kapaa Quarry. The motion carried unanimously.
A Joyous Easter Holiday ~~~~

Welcome ~~~~ Walk and drive safely ~~~~

Posted by ureonnow on 04/14/2002
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