Maunawili Community Association

Maunawili Community Association October 2, 2001

Maunawili Community Association October 2, 2001

Maunawili Community Association
Regular Meeting Minutes
October 2, 2001
Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m. by President Ed Gomes
Present: Jim Corcoran, Rose Faria, Virginia Fine, Ed Gomes, Suzy Hemmings, Linda Ure
Approval of Minutes: Minutes accepted as circulated.
Old Business:
Halloween Event: Some order will be made locally for goodie bags fillings. Stage is at Virginia Fine's home for storage.
Christmas Event: Will be scheduled for December 8th or 15th from 9 to 12 for drop off of donations of food and personal items for food drive and abuse shelter.
Quarterly Event: It is anticipated the next event will be a Spring Event around Easter.
Auloa Road Re-paving: 1) Abandoned vehicles have been reported to Steve Holmes' offices for removal. The older abandonment has been removed as of yesterday. It is now possible to report vagrant autos directly to 911 for collection. 2) It was noted that the signage for the intersection of Maunawili Road, Auloa Road, and Luana Hills Road is incorrect. The proper name of Luana Hills Road is Auloa Road to the point it went under the Kailua Road Bridge toward the marsh. The remainder of the Luana Hills Road was originally "Old Government Road" of which each was designated with a number.
BWS Water Main Project: It was reported as a concern that as there is a fire hydrant on Maunawili Loop it seems redundant to add more at this time.
Committee Reports:
Update on Kawainui Heritage Foundation Annual Meeting: Jim Corcoran reported the Strategic Plan was presented and the following was reported. 1) A path around the Marsh is to have Environmental Assessment and an Environmental Impact Statement for the Kawainui Marsh Pathway. 2) KHF has hired a full staff person for $47K per annum and the Executive Secretary will be able to furnish more details. 3) Susan Miller has been re-elected to President of the KHF. 4) The Knotts' lease with DLNR is a month to month lease.
The Agenda was taken out of order:
Municipal Landfill - Kapaa Quarry: Jim Corcoran reported - a hearing on September 26, 2001 in Kapolei Hale , Senator Hanabusa informed the audience that Mayor Harris is evaluating Kapaa Quarry, Kailua, for a replacement to Waimanalo Gulch which currently receives 800 Tons/day of solid waste, 600 Tons/day of Ash and also Sewer Sludge. Ameron is to work in Phase II, opposite Phase I and it is being evaluated by C&C as a landfill. However, the Quarry in Phase I is not on the C&C list of potential sites for future landfills that was handed out at the hearing and a location may not be evaluated unless it is on the list of potential sites. On October 4, the KNB passed a resolution that C&C and State move away from stone-age technology of burying and burning to alternatives such as Plasma Enhanced Melters as a means to emission free disposal of waste. Jeff Stone reported at the hearing that the City/Private Partnerships make a great deal of money under the current system of bury and burn. It is EPA regulations that incineration facilities have until 2003 to re-fit their stacks to more efficient scrubbers for emissions or close down. This will be expensive. Castle Medical Center stopped incineration of 9 other hospitals medical waste for lack of permitting and expense of upgrading.
The Agenda was returned to order.
Update on CIP list for Maunawili Valley: Linda Ure reported - Bus Stop shelters have been erected for upper Auloa Road on both sides of Kailua Road/Pali Road. However, the Lower Auloa Road request for Bus Shelters remains on the list of CIP projects and the guard rails need to be between the bus riders and the traffic. Also, the guard rails at two locations need to be repaired from auto accidents in the past.
Lights at Maunawili Valley Park: 1) The lights on the tennis courts may need further repair so that the lights are not on when patrons do not use the park.
Traffic death: 1) There was a death on Auloa Road in mid September, the victim died 5 days after the accident. There continues to be dumping of old vehicle parts, tires, and miscellaneous furniture. Although these have been reported, we must keep an eye out for the removal or further dumping along our newly re-paved Auloa Road.
Helicopters: Ed Gomes sent a letter concerning overflight of helicopters in the neighborhood of homes instead of over the field surrounding the homes.
Maunawili Valley: Old and new: The fill material for the Stender property is designated a private access for the owner to reach a portion of the property that will eventually have a Halau. This is the area some may recall was plowed with water buffalo and planted with pole beans. Several offspring of the original pair of water buffalo, Linda and Sonny Boy, were named for the month they were born in, June, September, and August. Other members of the community mowed their lawn with goats during those early days of the housing development in Maunawili Valley
Treasurers Report: As of October 2, 2001, it was reported that the August balance of 3,120.20 now includes September deposits of dues $135.00 and Donations of $43. For a total of 3,378.20. Of this figure, 2,140.95 is regular dues from community members and $1,237.25 is donations received for various donations funds.
Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9 pm
Submitted by Linda Ure, Secretary

Maunawili Community Association
Regular Meeting Minutes
December 4, 2001
Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park

Call To Order: Ed Gomes called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.
Present : Jim Corcoran, Ed Gomes, Linda Ure
Old Business:
Christmas Event: Collection of items for the Windward Women's Abuse Shelter and the Canned goods drive will be held December 8 from 9 am to 12 noon. Ed Gomes will be at the pavilion to receive donations of Freezer Bags, Teddy Bears, Clothing Shoes, Shampoo, Condition, and canned goods.
BWS Projects: A contact person for the entire BWS water main and fire hydrant project is Francis Fung at 527-5203, including the portion of the project on Maunawili Loop.
Helicopters: An Overflight of Helicopters was addressed in a letter by Ed Gomes. A response from one of Mayor Harris representatives was received and shares the concern of the community, however, it is reported that the "Green Harvest Operation" was in effect on September 26, 2001. It is still noted that the community believes the helicopters were ‘hot-dogging" in an unsafe manner over the homes.
Noise Pollution: Information for residents to report noise pollution will be researched.
Tree Cutting in C&C Easement: Some trees have been cut in the C& C easement. Further investigation will be done to insure only the C&C is cutting trees in its easement and that residents are informed.
MUSE: The MUSE will drop one ad that no longer responds to phone calls. It is suspected the resident moved away from the neighborhood.
Mini Skate Park: The Board will assist in determining the best location of the Mini Skate Board Park for Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park.
Kaneohe Ranch Fence: The new fence erected at the end of Lunaanela Place is complete and has been painted green and the plants are returning. Keys are available for HPD and HFD.
Park Pavilion: The Women's room is seeping again. The Men's Room flourescent lights are burned out. The pavilion lights in the ceiling are not cage protected nor are they turned on. The Ceiling patch is wet and leaking again. The patches are weeping. The roof needs further repair.
Luana Hills Property: 1) The two Y. Y. Valley title disputes have been inherited by the Weinberg/HRT and are again in dispute. 2) The persons responsible for the explosion on Luana Hills Property was "seen" by the manager of the property.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Submitted by Linda Ure, Secretary

* * *
Maunawili Community Association
Regular Meeting Minutes
January 4, 2002
Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park

Meeting was canceled due to illness in the Board Members

* * *
Maunawili Community Association
Regular Meeting Minutes
February 5, 2002
Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park

Meeting postponed until February 11, 2002 due to scheduling conflicts.

Maunawili Community Association
Agenda for Regular Meeting
February 11, 2002
Maunawili Valley Community Park

I Call to Order
II Old Business
A Christmas Event - Update
B. Quarterly Event - Update
C. Women's Abuse Shelter - Update
D. BWS Water Main Project - Update
F. Municipal Landfill at Kapaa Quarry - Update
G. New Parking spaces at Maunawili Park - Update
II Committee Reports
A. Treasurers Report
B. Update on CIP List For Maunawili Valley
IV New Business
V Adjournment

Maunawili Community Association Agenda October 2, 2001

Maunawili Community Association
Agenda for Regular Meeting
October 2, 2001
Maunawili Valley Community Park

I Call to Order
II Old Business
A. Halloween Event
B. Christmas Event
C. Quarterly Event
D. Women's Abuse Shelter
E. Auloa Road Re-paving
F. BWS Water Main Project
II Committee Reports
A. Update on Kawainui Heritage Foundation Annual Meeting
B. Update on CIP List For Maunawili Valley
IV New Business
A. New Parking spaces at Maunawili Park
B. Municipal Landfill - Kapaa Quarry
V Adjournment

Posted by ureonnow on 04/14/2002
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