Maunawili Community Association

Maunawili Community Association Minutes January 6, 2004

Maunawili Community Association Minutes January 6, 2004

Maunawili Community Association
Regular Meeting: January 6, 2004
Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park Pavilion

Present: David Laeha (MCA President); Carolyn Sawai (BWS); Thomas Otaguro (BWS); Joseph Hee (MECA); Gordon Mew (MECA); Richard Pendleton (Rep Pendleton’s Office); Jim Corcoran (MCA Director); Linda Ure (MCA Secretary);
The meeting was called to order by President David Laeha at 8:00 p.m.
Minutes: November 4, 2003 and December 2, 2003 minutes were deferred to next month.
BWS and the upcoming water main and fire hydrant project: Carolyn Sawai (Cat) of BWS presented the planning process utilized by the BWS in developing the project in Maunawili. The project is to begin on or about April 1, 2004 and last for 270 days. It was questioned if an 8 inch main was to be added to the two existing lines beginning in Maunawili Park Community at Auloa Road (approximately at 875 Auloa Road), continuing on Maunawili Road, diverting to Maunawili Loop then returning to Maunawili Road to continue on Maunawili Road to end at Aloha ‘Oe Drive in Maunawili Estates Community. Cat confirmed that currently a single, not two lines supplied Maunawili Estates and it followed Maunawili Road. It was questioned if the Maunawili Park water was to be enhanced with this process of the installation of a second line between Maunawili Park and Maunawili Estates. Cat explained that Maunawili Park water comes from the Olomana Tank reservoir on Olomana at the 272 foot elevation and that Maunawili Estates has a 12 inch water line that feeds the reservoir tank in Maunawili Estates at the 500 foot elevation. There are two water line systems in Maunawili Park and only the single line servicing Maunawili Estates. It was noted that the water for Maunawili Estates comes from the Luluku and Haiku tunnels and is boosted by the reservoir in the Estates at the 500 foot level. When the redundant line is put in place for Maunawili Estates the small lines in Maunawili Park on the Kahanaiki Stream area will be shut off but left in the ground. The addition of the 8 inch line on Maunawili Loop will also allow redundancy and allow for the place of two more fire hydrants and bring the road up to city code for emergency facilities. The lateral emergency connections will be made between the 12 inch and 8 inch lines in three locations so that water service emergencies can be addressed by opening and closing the valves to keep continuous water entering the Maunawili Estates Community. In the participants inquiry toward future development near the Maunawili Estates Community it was noted that a developer must come in for a request to hook up to an existing system and incur system impact fees. It was queried if development by Weinberg-HRT would hook into the 500 foot elevation line or the 272 foot elevation line and it was suggested that the 272 foot elevation line was more appropriate as the elevation of the land to be serviced would be at a lower elevation and the 500 foot elevation line was too powerful for the connection. It was requested that an emergency road be made available to the residents of Maunawili Estates as the single road into their area would not be sufficient to provide safety as was demonstrated by the New Years tree fall and downed power lines on Maunawili road between Maunawili Park and Maunawili Estates and the community was cut off completely for 6 or more hours. BWS asked for the location of the emergency access road so that they could contact Weinberg –HRT for having it opened for the Maunawili Estates Community. The time table for the phases in which the work will be carried out were requested and Gason Ching will follow up on addressing those items. The traffic impact and rerouting of traffic for over 250 homes, over 500 cars, especially for home to work, home to school and work to home traffic on a daily basis require special handling by the contract holder. The Maunawili Estates Community Association will hold its General Membership0 Meeting January 18 2004 and BWS will present at that meeting.
Landfill: The Waimanalo Gulch Sanitary Landfill in Leeward is 84 acres and owned by the City. In 1980 the landfill was stated to have 20-25 more years of use. To close the landfill prematurely will cost the taxpayers tens of million of dollars in new acquisition and development. The MCA will write a letter Councilmember Marshall to express opposition to making a decision to acquire new land and development costs without addressing the specific criteria used by the Administration to determine a promise to close the existing landfill prematurely. It was of concern that RM Towell weighted the selection for the Blue Ribbon Panel without the cost criterial of acquisition and development.
Parking Structure in Kailua: Kaneohe Ranch has thusfar been permitted for a foundation and a two story parking structure with an elevator. This would be three levels of parking. Outside of landscaping amenities and mention of the Sustainable Communities Plan and land use construction criteria, Kaneohe Ranch has not addressed the concerns of the community as to the impact of public roadway traffic or the need to increase parking spaces in Kailua with a study of parking needs in Kailua.
MUSE: reporting of paid membership in the association are 117 household of the 399 homes in the Park. The BWS project will be reported. Snow in Maunawili will be noted.
Blue Mail Box: There has been no response from the US Postmaster on the request for the Blue Mailbox in Maunawili to serve outgoing mail.
Bumperstickers: Dana Labels was the organization that printed the last set of Bumperstickers. Their current cost for the new order will have to be explored along with other suppliers.
Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. Submitted by: Linda C.Ure, Secretary

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Posted by ureonnow on 06/25/2004
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