Maunawili Community Association

Maunawili Community Association Minutes March 6, 2001

Annual Meeting Minutes March 6, 2001

Maunawili Community Association
Annual Meeting
March 6, 2001, 7:00 p.m. at 875 Auloa Road
Present: Karl Brutsch, Michael Carnes, Todd Capen, Jim Corcoran, Lynda Dybdal, Rose Faria, Ronald B. Fitzgerald, Ed Gomes, Suzy Hemmings, Rachel Hyland (Representative Pendleton's Laision), David Lacha, Tony Locricchio, Barbara Locricchio, Tom Pires, Joan Riggs, Mark Stride, Roy Takekawa, Linda Ure, Janice & Wyman Williams, Donna Wong (OCA, KNB).
I. Call To Order : 7:05 p.m.
II. February 6, 2001 Minutes were approved as corrected.
III. Old Business:
A. Weinberg Foundation: Discussion on the purchase of Luana Hills Golf Course(s) and adjacent land (1085 acres) by Weinberg Foundation December 29, 2000; HRT Ltd new status as a non-profit; Mr. Dornbush as representative of the Weinberg Foundation; At the Annual Meeting, April 2000, Councilmember Holmes presented the proposal to place a park symbol and authorize monies for Windward Regional Park to prevent development adjacent to the existing Golf Course or the development of the undeveloped golf course for homes or condos and the proposal was unanimously supported by the MCA. Also supporting the proposal were the Maunawili Estates Community Association and Olomana Community Association as well as the Kailua Neighborhood Board. However, the City & County of Honolulu, in relation to Bill 100, placed in committee to purchase all land except the Golf Course Land(s) for Kailua (Windward) Regional Park. The Pan Pacific Properties were valued at 35M five years ago, but were purchased by Wienberg Foundation for 10M on December 29, 2000. It was suggested that Weinberg would sell to the C&C except for the Gold Course(s) and Bill 100 was for 1.2M initially to purchase all non-golf course property. Bill 100 was subsequently increased to 4.2M to purchase all non-golf-course property and now appears to be a property with a hole in the middle. Weinberg, as a charitable foundation, is responsible for such projects as Philips House. Our question was posed as Why buy a failing Golf Course. As of November, 2000, a request was sent to Weinberg Foundation to meet with the community in November 2000 and the community was told no meeting was possible until February 2001. As of this date, no meeting with Weinberg Foundation has been forthcoming and it is our understanding that Weinberg will not be able to meet with the Kailua Neighborhood Board before May, 2001. This will reflect 6 months since date of the Weinberg purchase of the Luana Hill Properties. As the Community continues to fear development of land into Ag 2, (= 1 house each 2 acres) and the track record of the C&C could re-zone the land, and as Royal Kunia, a Weinberg Foundation and its affiliates continues to go forward with a project, even cut down by 50%, that will injure local businesses, these concerns are just some of the reasons the Maunawili community association opposes development in Maunawili valley. The KSCS calls for minimal growth till 2020 and to develop Maunawili valley would be a violation of the KSCS and would be taxing the existing sewer, roads, schools, traffic infrastructures. Despite 4 months of letters, faxes, and phone calls, the intent of the Weinberg purchase remains up in the air and the community has no answers. Questions and Answers followed: 1. Would the community be notified if development were permitted? There is no specific notification of land zoning changes to Boards or Community Assoications, e.g. Lunalilo Home Road and Royal Kunia. 2. Who are the affiliations with Weinberg? Hawaii Limited, HRT, and Hawaii 300. It was recalled the burying of hazardous waste prior to the building of several homes on conservation land along Auloa Road. Conservation Land on Maunawili road was scheduled to support 96 condos. Deeds were examined, BWS placed in new water lines and fire hydrants while rumors of 350-400 homes might go in on Auloa Road. It was remarked that Agricultural Land could be re-zoned. The C&C property maps remain backlogged and we may not know until after the fact. The current maps still contain Pan Pacific as owner. The KNB usually gets a request for zone changes but not always. Cluster housing is 10,000 square feet. It would be necessary to be on the mailing list for permit applications as permits can now be secured "online." 3. Is it true that the current zoning would allow for 75 homes to be built? Yes. 4. Is it true that the land below the community park has been re-designated from Wet Lands? Yes. 5. Is it true that building could be carried out next to Olomana community? While most land is preservation or conservation, zoning is the "problem" for cluster or re-zoning to small lots. Of the 1085 acres in the map, golf courses are about 300 acres, 150 of those are undeveloped golf course land. It is noted that the rest is preservation or conservation and may not be developed in any case, therefore, the City & County might consider focusing on the developable land rather than the undevelop-able land. 6. The BWS water main for fresh water to Maunawili Estates to the upper tank was reported to relieve breaks at Castle Junction to the horse farm on Auloa Road. The BWS want to be off private property to public property. The main was increased from 12" to 16" to reduce breaks. The Fire hydrants are an ordinance that had to be followed when new work was done on existing county roads. This did not improve water flow to Maunawili Park homes as the water was going directly to Maunawili Estates. But is was suggested that the water line improvement may be to feed off the Estates to new development. 7. It may be premature to worry about "country zoning" in Maunawili Park or Maunawili Estates but it is difficult to oppose zoning if opposition by the community is denied. 8. Infrastructure: years ago a sewer line was put in place by the owners of the Golf Courses and was turned over to the city. It runs under Maunawili Road. It was 10 or so years ago that 5000 more people were suggested to be added to Maunawili Valley via home building. As the sewer lines have been increased along Maunawili Road to Maunawili Estates Community Association and drawings have been seen for condos around the golf courses and as the land may be some of the most valuable tract land on the island because of immediate access to Pali and Honolulu, 100's of Millions of dollars may be behind the push to develop. There is some shock by the Weinberg approach. Theory: 60-100 Million developing the original Golf course and now Weinberg purchases for only 10M. Now there has been an agreement by the City & County to buy the "worthless" portion and condemnation of the land could be difficult and limited. 9. The community reminds that our approval of the proposal by Steve Holmes was a different basis–that was to buy up all the land for a Regional Park. 10. Weinberg has an opportunity to recoup 20% or more of their monies on purchase via the offer by the City & County for the conservation, preservation lands. The fact that Weinberg has refused to come to a community meeting is very rude. Weinberg is displaying itself as a bad neighbor by not discussing what it intends to do, develop or follow the deed restriction. It is easy to state the plans. The silence is very loud. The wheels have been greased with the BWS water project, the sewer lines, but the Maunawili Valley cannot take 1/3 major housing development. The City & County bill 100 may give ½ the cost back to Weinberg from their initial costs at the expense of the taxpayers. Such agreement in our system without quid pro quo. It is suggested that holding a press conference might be beneficial. It must be remembered that a stand alone golf course looses money. It must be made clear the aim and intent of our original agreement with Steve Holmes was all the land. This proposal in bill 100 is not the same. 11. It is reminded that the KNB position remains the same: all not part. 12. It is suggested we hold a joint community meeting. It is known that Waimanalo Vision Team has been looking at the park/cultural/center but that they have not touched base with the Maunawili Community Associations at this time for comments on horse trails. Contacting Steve Holmes, John Henry Felix, Waimanalo Vision Team is suggested. The City could condemn the land for public purposes. The previous bankruptcy and low value credit condemnation by the city even at 150% value for regular condemned process or to buy all the land through condemnation. As it is now, the City is to condemn all but Golf Course(s). E-mail of December 12 was read to confirm. When Steve Holmes told us about the ‘bookmark' to buy later, he did not tell us about Weinberg. Weinberg was originally a for profit and built homes. Now a non-profit and says they do not build homes. But 3 organizations affiliated with Weinberg, HRT Ltd, Honolulu Ltd and Hawaii 300 do build homes. Eg. Cluster housing in Baltimore. And Bill Dornbush, 10 years ago was doing housing development in Hawaii. Motion: Hold a joint meeting with Maunawili Estates Community Association, Olomana Community Association, and Maunawili Community Association, inviting elected officials, representatives, and senators along with print and TV news reporters. It is requested that the elected officials, representatives and senators invite Weinberg to attend and address the communities. Motion carried unanimously. The meeting will set for April 2, 2001 at 7:00 pm at 875 Auloa Road, Trinity Church.
It was remarked that the 22 agricultural acres owned by Tony Vincent and 8 acres owned by Chip Chen are zoned for Ag2. If such property were developed as Ag 2 then 1 house each two acres could be built. Perimeter staking is going on now. City Planning for TMK activity on Lunahoo Road should be checked as the Nursery is kaput. Previous illegal dumping of the old Kaiser Hospital material from downtown Honolulu, etc., was done on the land. Major Drainage plans are in the possession of the Association. It was supposed to be keep natural for water drainage in high water flows. 20' of fill may wash out in high water and take out the Pali-Kailua Road Bridge. Auloa Road homes are in the greatest danger. The Association was shown video tapes of Yellow drums that were buried. Tape is in possession of an Association member.
B. Committee Reports:
Annual Treasurer's Report: Balance of checking account is $500.00 higher than end of last year. 211 homes paid dues out of 425 homes in the community. Muse is provided to all homes in the community. All bills are current. Balance in checking account is $1,913.95.
It is noted that bulk mailing of the MUSE is less costly. 1. Concentrate on Halloween as a Children's Activity and 2. Music in the Park for the Adults.
Representative Pendleton's Report: Rachel Hyland is the contact person for Pendleton and the Olomana Community Association. Monthly newsletter was circulated. LaJardine high school to be built with full athletic field. It was remarked that this would increase traffic at Castle Junction. It was remarked that lights on the field would disturb birds.
Thank-you's: from our outgoing president, Lynda Dybdal were offer to Linda Ure for Muse and minutes; Rose for good budgeting and accounting; Joan for Children's Functions.
C. Slate of Officers and Directors: PRESIDENT-- Vacant, VICE PRESIDENT-- Vacant,
TRAFFIC AND SAFETY-- Vacant, DIRECTORS: Jim Corcoran, Ed Gomes, Herbert Welder, Katherine Tisch, Virginia Fine. Motion: Acceptance of Slate of Officers and Directors as Presented. Motion Carried unanimously.
IV. New Business: Dues will continue to be $10.00 per household. Muse and CTAP will continue. It was noted that the new zoning laws allow a varied building concept. While the community old timers have won many past battles it is good to see so many turn out this evening. As the President and Vice President remain vacant, Lynda Dybdal will continue while a new president is sought. It is suggested that Weinberg be given a BAD NEIGHBOR AWARD. Mr. Bill Dornbush was an expat witness. Weinberg may be out of the picture before the flack hits. Going to the Baltimore headquarters may be advantageous. In the 1970's there were more people in the Association and Block Captains went door to door. A fund to send a delegate to Weinberg headquarters was started. Across the street on the flood plane (homeless homes), Waimanalo housing was done by Weinberg as was Maui Pineapple housing.
V. Adjournment: 9:00 p. m. Submitted by: Linda C. Ure, Secretary MCA

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Posted by ureonnow on 04/14/2002
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