Maunawili Community Association

Maunawili Community Association Minutes November 5, 2002

Maunawili Community Association Minutes November 5, 2002

Maunawili Community Association
Regular Meeting: November 5, 2002
Maunawili Valley Neighborhood Park

Present: Jim Corcoran (Director); Rose Faria (Treasurer); Virginia Fine (Director); David Laeha (President); Suzanne McNalty, Regina Zsupnik, Carla Bordahn, and Michelle Simafranca (Boys’ Home); Linda Ure (Secretary).

The meeting was called to order by Director, Jim Corcoran at 7:00 p.m.

October 1, 2002 Regular Meeting Minutes:
Correction: Page 1 in reference to Olomana Elementary School should be Maunawili Elementary School. Delete remainder of sentence after Chest X-ray. Minutes of October 1, 2002 were approved as corrected.

Treasurers Report: Balance from September 30 was $4,676.22. One membership dues check was returned for $10.00 and a $2.00 return check fee was charged by the bank. Additional Household Membership Dues collected were $ 170.00. Garages Sale Receipts were $66.00. Donations for SDF were received for $40.00. Expenses for the period were $92.25, for mailing of the MUSE August 27 and Garage Sales expenses were $117.18. Ending balance of $4,730.09 includes the Stop Development Fund ($1532.25) and General Operating of $3,197.84. 158 homes have paid dues this year.

Boys’ Home in Maunawili: Suzanne McNalty introduced Regina Zsupnik, Carla Bordahn (Director of Program Services: Behavioral Health Services), and Michelle Simafranca (Program Administrator: Youth Residential Care Programs) of Child and Family Service.

Discussion followed: 1) CFS had addressed the letters from the MCA, Representative David A. Pendleton. In response, CFS has provided the DOH contract information which included some insurance liability detail. 2) The MCA noted the insurance information was not what the community had requested. 3) Ms. McNalty agreed the more comprehensive insurance information would be forwarded to the MCA by the insurance carrier. That which was attached to the DOH contract was less than what the MCA had requested. In addition, the legal liability under CFS for actions of the boys in their care would rest with the parents, or legal guardian (of the boy), along with CFS and the State of Hawaii. 4) The MCA pointed out that the primary issue was the types of referrals from the State DOH and that this poses a high risk to the community and the other Felix-class youth who would be exposed to the more hardened youth. 5) Because of the July information concerning the Boys’ Home that there were no referrals from OYS, the community was greatly alarmed in September with the HYCF referral. It was inappropriate to let references to OYS/HYCF go uncorrected as Oahu Youth Services has become the Hawaii Youth Correctional Facility and the furlough program of OYS may have discontinued when CSF was awarded the DOH contract, however, the HYCF youth, even when identified as Felix-class youth, should not be mixed with Felix-class youth with no HYCF experience. 6) CFS acknowledged the lapses in communication and stated that referrals by DOH from HYCF Felix-class youth are a rarity. 7) To clarify, the MCA asked if in the past, or in the future, would any sex or violent offender from HYCF who was Felix-class youth be allowed into the Boys’ Home as the referrals are from DOH. 8) It was stated that the Boys’ home in Maunawili would not accept such a referral as it was not in keeping with the CFS program in Maunawili and that there is a group home on Oahu for such youth. It was further stated the Carol Matsuoka (733-9857) of the DOH contracting agency to CFS stated that no HYCF boys will be referred to the Maunawili Boys Home by DOH in future. CFS states that they must justify why a referral is inappropriate to be placed in the home, such as violence or sex offences and cautioned that HYCF appropriate youth may have not other places to go, however, because of Ms. Matsuoka’s statement to CFS, no HYCF youth, Felix identified or not, will be placed in the Maunawili Boys Home. 9) It was confirmed that no violent offenders and no sex offenders were in the Boys Home in Maunawili. 10) It was requested that a representative from CFS attend the Kailua Neighborhood Board meeting on Thursday evening to engage in dialogue with that Board on the issue of residential treatment and group homes in neighborhood communities as it had been scheduled on the agenda for action. Ms McNalty agreed to attend.

Sign-In-Sheets and Identifications: The inability to address the community members who spoke of their concerns at the last meeting of the MCA; and so that the MCA may have on record, those in attendance, and those who speak, a Sign-In-Sheet will be provided each month and be kept with the minutes. For those speaking, be it resolved that members of the community that wish to address the Board identify themselves, before speaking. The resolution was accepted unanimously.

Halloween Event: Because no volunteers could be found to organize the Halloween Parade this year (via e-mail requests), the event could not be scheduled and the community members were notified by e-mail. Halloween fell on Thursday and it was difficult to get organizers. The community was informed that the event would not take place and an offering of the Halloween dinner being prepared by the Luana Hills Golf Clubhouse was circulated, by e-mail, for those who were interested. 60 persons responded to the offer by purchasing and picking up their dinners. One community member expressed disapproval to advertise the Luana Hills Golf Club restaurant as we do not advertise all businesses, and, as it was a part of the Weinberg/HRT with which has yet to meet with the community over concerns that the undeveloped golf course may be used to build homes in the back of Maunawili Valley, outside the urban boundary.

Candidate Night: The nearby communities that participated in the Candidate Night Forum; Olomana, Pohakapu, Kukanono, and Maunawili, along with support from the Kailua Neighborhood Board, were well attended. This year, 243 were in attendance, increasing from the 100 in the last sponsored event. One additional draw was the offering of food immediately following the event.

Christmas Event: It was determined that a panel of judges would again create a list of decorated homes, streets, cul-de-sacs and publish in the MUSE. It was suggested that a winter pot luck be held at the end of the Christmas Holidays in celebration of the season. January 11 was selected as the Saturday to hold the event from 5 to 7 p.m. It was further decided to offer Family Fun Day from 3-5p.m. with the MCA President so the youth of the neighborhood could get acquainted before the pot-luck. The theme of the dinner time will be pupus (finger-food). Special invitation will be extended to the newly elected officials and the youth from the Boys’ Home. It is suggested that the next MUSE notify the community that David Laeha, President of the MCA will be at the park the first Sunday from 3-5 p.m. and offers an opportunity for families to get together.

Street Signs for Auloa Road and Maunawili Road: It is suggested the City post a regular street sign to mark the divide of Maunawili Road and Auloa Road (adjacent to Trinity Church and School) so visitors in our area do not get lost. The sign at the entrance to Maunawili Valley and Maunawili Road is erroneously labeled Auloa Road and is confusing to motorists as the road at Castle Junction is also Auloa Road.


Maunawili - Old Government Road: The meeting of Na Ala Hele Trails was attended by representatives of Maunawili Community Association; however, neither Councilmember Holmes nor a Weinbert/HRT representative was present. The Oahu Trails Director, Mr. Aaron Lowe has had conversations, and walked the grounds with Weinberg/HRT Planning Consultant, Kurihashi, that would give the State owned (that’s us) Old Government Road in a Quit Claim process to Weinberg/HRT in consideration of 1) a parking lot near the entrance of Maunawili for the Olomana Mountain Hiking Trail, 2) a contour trail at the 800 foot level on the south side of Olomana Mountain 3) A parking lot and Comfort Station across from the Hedeman Home on the Luana Hills Property. It was further reported that 1) Environmental Assessment must be conducted, and 2) inform the Maunawili Community Association and the Kailua Neighborhood Board just what is being planned concerning OUR Old Government Road. While Weinberg/HRT states OGR cuts through their property of the undeveloped golf course, and Weinberg/HRT is proposing to build a golf academy, food facility and pitch ‘n putt on the undeveloped golf course, the Old Government Road is the access to 900 acre Windward Regional Park now in negotiations (possibly for additional monies) with the City and County and Weinberg/HRT.

Coqui Frogs Report: The letter, sent last month, from the Maunawili Community Association to Governor Cayetano in support the Kailua Neighborhood Board resolution for the eradication of Coqui Frogs was also forwarded to the EPA to extend the authorization from EPA to use caffeine to eradicate the Coqui Frogs. There has been no response.

Ameron Consent Order Report: The quarterly report was received form Ameron to DOH Clean Water Branch and Ameron has asked for an additional extension. The TMDL has not yet been done and no construction has been started for swales or sedimentation basins.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:30 pm.
Submitted by Linda C Ure, Secretary

Posted by ureonnow on 03/08/2003
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