Over the last several months, both Board members and Cass Malloy have heard from a number of you regarding concerns over landscaping. We have listened and the Board of Directors is now in the process of interviewing several new landscaping companies. Each of these companies will be making a presentation at the Feb. 19th Mayfair Board Meeting. You are welcome to attend! It is the Board?’s hope that we will have a decision no later than the March Board of Director meeting. We ask for your continued patience as we step through this process. Currently, Raymow is on a month-to-month contract.
The Board has formed a ?“landscaping committee?” in an effort to be more responsive and proactive once a new company is in place. I want to thank Lori Hakeen, Roger Monsour and Ginny Ryan for their willingness to help out!
Finally, there has been a lot of confusion over who is responsible for taking care of landscaping issues in our neighborhood. Attached are the Mayfair docs which address landscaping in our community. I also included the portion of our docs that address lawn care for yards that are fenced.
Please feel free to contact any Board member or Cass should you have any input or questions.
Warm Regards,
Lyn Acer, President
Mayfair Board of Directors
( Mayfair Docs Which Address Landscaping in our Community is located on Mayfair's web site Community Pages ) AD