On Wednesday May 17, 2006 my daughters bicycle was stolen from the front of
our house sometime between 3:00pm and 5:00pm while she and my wife were inside
the house. It appears a young male approximately 14 years of age stole my
daughters bicycle and left his old beat up bicycle behind. Later, once I arrived
home at around 5:30p.m I quickly decided to call the police and fill out a
police report. Police Officer Greg Weekes showed up within a half-hour and took
down the bicycle serial number from the purchase receipt I had. Officer Greg
Weekes decided to take a cruise around the neighborhood and happened to come
across my daughter's bicycle lying on the lawn of a nearby subdivision. Officer
Weekes then returned my daughters bicycle that same evening. It appears a
resident in the other subdivision said this person left my daughters bicycle behind
and proceeded to steal another bicycle in that sub-division. I truly believe
if I hadn't made that police call immediately my daughters bicycle would have
probably never been found. And thanks again to Officer Greg Weekes quick
Thomas Di Ioia
Mayfair Homeowner