The attached picture illustrate the need of using a trash can!
There were 6 homes near ours where the vultures ripped trash bags apart and
garbage all over. Didn't check the rest of the neighborhood. This is the
3rd time the vultures have attacked the trash on Nottingham Park. The
numbers increase each time and we had about 50 this time spreading trash at
several homes at the same time. They fly off with some of the garbage onto
the roof tops and peck and claw at it - it has to do some damage to the roof
not to mention rotten garbage left on the roof. Raymow was mowing today
and they did a pretty good job of gathering up some of the garbage but that
is not their job!!! I picked up some for the 3rd week but it is getting
of hand and I can't do it all. Please consider investing in a trash can -
Hopefully next week the number of vultures don't increase to 75.
Thanks -
Dave West