Maywood / Broadview Neighborhood Organization

Best Local Transportation / Bus Routes / Taxis !


Just Like Anyplace Else. Maywood Deserves The Service It's Takes

This section is reserved for senior & any citizens who uses local public transportation: Bus or Cab!

Tell us what you see. What type of service are you receiving. Remember! A democracy allows freedom of expression. If you're satisfied, then everything's o.k.

The Maywood Rotary Club Neighborhood Taxi Service is Available

The Maywood Rotary Club offers You a WIN-WIN situation. One of our volunteers will drive you to or from the airport. (Other destinations are also negotiable). You win because we only charge $25. for one way and YOU/WE win because all our monies earned, $2,000 expected in our current fiscal year, goes in our budget to local and international service projects.

Below are the current four members available. Why not cut this out and put it on your refrigerator? Be sure to share this with your Maywood neighbors. (They are all relatively retired with somewhat flexible schedules.)

Chuck Anderson, 681-5117
Chuck Laabs, 345-2217
Jim Mitchell, 344-8697
Gary Woll, 345-2706

Posted by knowledge on 06/08/2005
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