What a privilege to serve this unique and historic city! Your new city commission is committed to working together to make creative and tough decisions that will make Oregon City an ever better place to live and work.
Outstanding educator John Gardner listed ten ingredients that make great communities:
1. Participation
2. Effective internal communications
3. Development of young people
4. A forward view
5. Wholeness incorporating diversity
6. A reasonable base of shared values
7. Caring, trust, and teamwork
8. Affirmation
9. Links beyond community
10. Institutional arrangements for community maintenance
Despite our economic challenges, Oregon City has the potential for greatness. To enhance our river and natural areas, historic district, county and community college partnerships, downtown, arts & culture, youth activities and business attraction, will require your participation and support. Contact me to get involved!
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.” Helen Keller