As I?’m sure you?’ve all noticed, Landmark church has created quite a mess on their lot. Thanks to the efforts of Emily Pritchett and Alan Gathercoal, Reverend Fred Kelly has agreed to clean up the area and place it in a ?“better than before?” condition.
To summarize the events that have lead up to today Rev. Fred Kelly leased his area as a parking venue for several cable companies for their heavy equipment as they buried fiber optic cable throughout Gwinnett Co. Slowly the area turned into a dumping ground for the water the trucks carry to cool the drills and the now existing cesspool remains. We also noticed more and more trailers began parking down the long strip and the many bags of garbage and metal that have been left. We also have noticed someone has dumped a type a concrete block material directly across the street from the parking venue. We are looking into that as well.
As of now the EPA has seemingly found contaminants in the soil where the trucks were dumping their fluids and all the soil must be removed and replaced. The area will be brought back to the better than before condition The reason nothing has been done to date is that the EPA wanted to ensure that the spillage from the trucks did not contaminate the soil nor the Crooked Creek which runs behind the church. We will be getting back in touch with Gwinnett Co, and Rev. Kelly to get a current update in the next few days.