Welcome to the Medical Community! We are glad you are our neighbor! Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or neighborhood concerns. If we cannot help you, we will direct you to those that can!
President Jerry Cable
Email: cablehart@sbcglobal.net
817 NE 20th Street
Oklahoma City OK 73105
Home: (405) 627-6179
Vice-President Gertrude Newsome
Secretary Margaret Dwyer
915 NE 17th Street
Oklahoma City OK 73105
Home: (405) 524-1095
Treasurer Margaret Haddox
2217 N. Lottie Avenue
Oklahoma City OK 73111
Home: (405) 427-7036
Condolences and Etiquette Dorothy Tunley
918 NE 17th Street
Oklahoma City OK 73105
Home: (405) 524-2088