It seems that the community is going to work on there yards and everywhere within our area. Its good to see the changes graffti is at its lowest degree. People are taking pride in there homes and in our community. Elected officials are also responding . Look for street cleaners in our areas and of course brush pick up. Police are also making spot checks and radar is more often seen on west commerce and NW 36th . we are still working on getting street repairs I have turned in a request for CDBG funda to work on our streets. Like NW 36th Nw 34th, Plainview, Fortuna St Louis street Allsup. This is for sidewalks drainage ,and curbs. Summer is almost here we need volunteers for a neighborhood paint party. Im asking residents to help us paint graffti of our sidewalks buildings, curbs ,bridges. Please join us at our next meeting on Aril 14,2004 at the Memorial Library at 7pm see you there Art Delgado 434-4398 President MHNA.