It has always been a goal of the “Messenger” to keep area residents informed of the City Codes and Services.
During the last couple of years, Waste Management has been providing “Big Junk Pickup” once a month instead of the annual and semiannual pickups done prior to that. HERE IS THE DEAL! On Wednesday of the first full week of the month your bulky trash will be hauled away if you place it at the curb. (Exact dates are on your water bill and is in every newsletter.) Now, this does not mean that you can put stuff out any time and leave it there until the pickup date. Stuff can be legally placed at the curb three (3) days prior to pickup.
Please, abide by these guidelines. You surely don’t want the neighborhood to look like the City Dump! Some people don’t know the rules—if you have a neighbor who does not, see if you can tactfully educate him/her. Make sure he/she has a newsletter. Let’s do all we can to make this “MILLER BEAUTIFUL.