What should you do if you become a victim of identity theft? Act immediately to minimize damage to your personal assets. Notify your bank, credit card companies and all of the credit bureaus. Keep a list of toll free telephone numbers for all of these agencies. Contact the Social Security Administration at 1-800-269-0271 and explain that your Social Security Number has been fraudulently used. A police report should be filed as proof to your creditors and others that your accounts have been compromised. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the clearinghouse for identity theft. They can be reached at 1-877-438-4338. For additional information on identity theft, go to the FTC Web page. The key to protecting your identity is to act promptly and use caution.
Never give your Social Security Number, bank account information, credit card numbers or other personal information to anyone you don't know and trust. If someone indicates a need for this information when opening an account or for such things as hunting licenses, ask why it is needed and how it will be safeguarded. If you are not comfortable with the answer, don't share the information. Many businesses sell their databases to others for profit. Again, always use caution.
Keep a watch out for people standing near you at retail stores, restaurants, grocery stores, etc., who have a cell phone in hand. With the new camera cell phones, they can take a picture of your credit card, which gives them your name, account number, and expiration date. This is just another example of a means of identity and credit theft.
So...be aware of your surroundings. It is better to be safe then to be a victim of identity theft.