Keeping Track of Watering Days
Knowing when to water your lawn in Denver this season is confusing, but watering on the wrong day or time could become embarrassing. Your neighbors have been encouraged to report any violation, after all, why can you water and they can?’t?
Keeping track of your watering days, and times will avoid any problems from your neighbors, here is a reminder:
?• No watering on Mondays
?• Odd addresses Saturdays and Wednesdays
?• Even addresses Sundays and Thursdays
?• No watering between 10am - 6pm
Hand watering and drip irrigation is allowed on your watering Days. Flowers and garden watering is allowed any day expect Mondays.
Each area of your lawn can be watered for 15 minutes per sprinkler head placement.
Water may not be used to wash side-walks and driveways, unless for health or safety reasons.
The Denver Water Board encourages us to report any people or organization not complying with restrictions by calling 303-893-2444.
Your lawn may get a little brown around the edges this season, but just remember you?’ll be doing your part for water conservation, while saving a few bucks on those higher water rates!