Spokane Valley bought the land. It 's time to dream big and look for inkind donations of labor, planning, etc to make our park a reality. There will be a park survey at the meeting and we will fill it out together and turn them in that evening . We need everyone to participate. There is a a grant opportunity in 2008. If we rally community support and stick with this process - the park could begin to be built as early as 2009 or 2010. The park land acquisition grant was applied for in May of 2006, finished the process that summer. The Legislature approved money for grant recipients and the City followed through with their matching funds. It is only 2007 and they are wrapping up the land acquisition process. Imagine if we can have the park built by 2009! Wouldn't that be a dream worth working for? Please come and let's celebrate.
We survived two years of horrible construction, dust, diesel and noise. Yet, we were also hard at work planning our neighborhood. The park is going to be a reality. It started with all of you. Congratulations! All of you made this happen. We're planning a 7:00 p.m. meeting and hopefully on June 26th. We are waiting for final approval of this date by the church board. I will post more later. Flyers will be going out please volunteer to help ensure that everyone gets a flyer. Thanks, Mary Pollard North Greenacres Chairwoman