Mike Jackson, Spokane Valley Park Director worked hard in May to complete the grant process to acquire the park land in our neighborhood. Our neighborhood provided photographs and letters of support and the timeline of our work to acquire a park in our neighborhood due to the high degree of development impacting our neighborhood.
Thanks goes to everyone who diligently believed and hoped for a park to be a reality.
Park Department will apply for a grant in 2008 to acquire funding to build the park. The park will be adjacent to the 17 acres purchased on Long and Mission Ave. to build their elementary school. The school park will be planned together in order to optimally utilize the space that will total 25 public acres of land.
We should gather a project committee to help put together ideas for community support of building the park for labor and materials to keep cost of building park down and to make the park a reality sooner. Grant monies are more likely to come to communities that are actively taking responsibility to work for things they consider important. This is the kind of people we have in North Greenacres, Let's get our ducks in a row and be prepared with a plan before 2008.
More information
Mike Jackson Spokane Valley Park Director 688-0040
Mary Pollard
North Greenacres Neighborhood Chairwoman
Future Information and Ideas from the City will be Posted.
Email us
marjam 17216@msn.,com