North Hidden Lake Owners Association.

Revitalization at 72nd and Sheridan

Oct 02, 2005

There is a large revitalization project planned for the southwest corner of 72nd and Sheridan.

In addition to removing the old shopping center and replacing it with a new modern center, the project includes road improvements to mitigate current and future traffic issues, the additional traffic light we have be trying for and a brick sound wall we have been wanting but couldn't afford the $150k to fund it ourselves. It would be installed at no cost to us.

A group of people, led and financed by the United Food and Commercial Workers union, are trying to stop the project because it involves a Wal-Mart and they oppose everything that involves a Wal-Mart since Wal-Mart is non-union. They led a petition drive so the Westminster residents can vote on whether to repeal the zoning that is required for the project to take place. The HOA Board of Directors are unnanymous in that we DO NOT want it repealed and we want the project to take place. If the zoning is repealed, it will block ALL development and preserve the current blighted area as-is.

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