For a while there in February, it seemed as though our capitol city trees were going to keep a tight rein on their winter coat, but Mother Nature blew through and rendered them naked.
From the suggestion department: install plastic bag dispensers on street corners for those four-legged critters whose owners seem oblivious to the deposits left on lawns, sidewalks, and gardens.
With several residences undergoing renovation, C Street is looking very spiffy. Must be the attention it?’s getting from all the redirected traffic.
Speaking of redirected traffic?… Perhaps the next issue of the New Era Park Neighborhood News will print the vehicle license number of those people that ignore the signage.
A round of applause to Jim Anderson (Fort Sutter Towing) who is now the proud owner of Fort Sutter Auto Sales on Marconi Avenue.
Rest assured that those rectangular objects on wooden stems sprouting from lawns in February and March are only an expression of the resident?’s freedom of speech, and not some errant, genetically engineered seedlings.
Upon opening the front door one winter morning, a neighbor was surprised to find a scattering of shiny confetti upon the front porch and walkway. Still no clue as to the nocturnal visitor; be it secret admirer or confetti faerie.
A note of sincere appreciation to all of the neighborhood activists that represent New Era Park at the various community meetings-task force, planning commissions, city council, neighborhood associations, oversight committees, etc.