...Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:13
One of the activities of the men in the home is building dog houses for the support of the ministry. They learn to work with their minds and hands in harmony with one another. The men come into the home from all walks of lfe. each have their own story of alcoholism, drug addiction, gangs, imprisonment, sometimes lost and alone. Their successes show what God can do for those who once were lost but now are found. We encourage you to see the works of God and what he can do for anybody who will receive Jesus in their hearts
and accept Him as their own personal savior. By finding a new life
in Christ,the men and women are on the path of becoming active
members of society, reconciled to their family,friends and loved
ones. Their life now becomes a living testimony that by the grace
and love of God all things are possible.
"I'll see that you get minimum of 18 years in jail!" yelled the arresting officer as he slammed the prison door behind me... I had succeeded in self-destructing my whole life and lost everything most dear to my heart through the sin I had allowed in. Miraculously, God opened a way for me to come to New Life Christian Home where He has been working a restoration of those areas in my spirit, heart and soul that lead me to fall. Jesus has the answers, even when it seems there is nowhere to turn. C.G.
“I was a chronic alcoholic, a heavy drinker for over thirty years, ALCOHOL WAS MY SOLUTION to every problem. I was a “functional” alcoholic but it finally caught up with me. I found myself in an abusive relationship, abandoned a 25 year career. I was alone and isolated. I was bankrupt, and in and out of emergency rooms and psychiatric wards. For some years, I tried A.A.'s, and recovery programs. Without success, I contemplated suicide even more.Finally, I called out to God for help, I was now willing to give my lifeover to Him. A few days later, I found myself in the hospital again, and with the chaplain's hand on my shoulder, I asked God to forgive me and I accepted Jesus Christ into my life. Now I’m at New Life Christian Home where I am growing in my personal relationship with Jesus. I want to share with every one the tremendous joy and peace that came over me the day I accepted Jesus into my heart. Stronger than any pill or tonic is the grace and strength I have with Jesus at my side. Now HE IS THE SOLUTION to my every problem!! T.M.