Fight Back is a city sponsored program for neighborhood groups, encouraging block watches and community improvements. At the April 4th meeting of the Neighborhood Association, we concluded our participation in the program. Over 90% of the established goals have been accomplished. Additionally, grants have been given to Solano Park for the purchase of equipment or facilities, and to the neighborhood for curbs and sidewalks.
Of ongoing concern:
Street Lighting: If lights are dim or out, report the number listed on the pole and the nearest street address to 495-5125.
Neighborhood Blight: 116 cases identified and closed. Violations of the "top eight" can still be reported by calling 262-7844. (for further information on the top eight violations, please visit the Neighborhood Revitalization webpage on the City of Phoenix site).
Crime: Vigilance is the key! If you note suspicious activity, please contact the police immediately. Officer Danny Valadez also offered his voicemail for non-urgent matters 246-9480.