
Articles from the September Newsletter

Aug 30, 2009


This column will be a new adventure for me and I would like for it to become a source of information on some of the issues that our community faces. It appears that some of our juveniles are acting more like delinquents than the model children that we want in our neighborhood. There was an incident in July where some juveniles shot at and hit a golfer with a pellet or bb gun. Thankfully the golfer wasn?’t seriously injured but the fact is he might have been. There have been other incidents which is one of the reasons we are going to support the National Night Out Program.
I would like to extend to all of our Northcliffe neighbors a warm welcome to attend the National Night Out festivities on October 6th between 6PM and 8PM. Bring your family and enjoy the games and activities that our volunteers will be providing. Your HOA Board of Directors will be grilling the Free Hot Dogs and looking forward to talking with you about our neighborhood.
The City of Schertz will be providing a visit from some of their officials such as the Mayor, City Councilmen, Police Chief, Fire Chief and/or EMS Technicians. There will be a Police Car, Fire Truck, or an EMS Vehicle to highlight our awareness activities.
So come on out to the park on Cherry Tree and help make our Northcliffe National Night Out a huge success.


The City of Schertz made what they believed to be a reasonable offer to buy the golf course and turn it into a municipal course. The current owners of the course did not agree and declined the offer. Unfortunately, this is the only information available to publish at this time.


Do you know what crime is in your neighborhood? Help us keep our crime rate low. National Night Out is a great way to meet your neighbor. How can you know if something suspicious is going on at your neighbor's house if you don't even know your neighbor? It is much easier to look out for each other, if we know what is normal and what is suspicious! What better way to get acquainted than at a party? We will be having our National Night Out event at the park on Cherry Tree in the Northcliffe subdivision on Tuesday, October 6th.
Get involved!!!
Games and activities will be available for all ages as well as food and drinks. If you have a talent or service you would like to offer for this event, please call Vanessa Stock @ 210-264-4203 or Vanessa Henley @ 210-875-6607.
National Night Out is an annual event designed to strengthen our communities by encouraging neighborhoods to engage in stronger relationships with each other and with their local law enforcement partners. The goal is to heighten crime-prevention awareness, build support and participation in local anti-crime programs, and most importantly, send a message that our neighborhoods are organized and fighting back. It?’s also the perfect opportunity to get to know your neighbors even better. To learn more about National Night Out visit

See you there!!!

A homeowner recently expressed concern over teens wandering the streets in the middle of the night and asked if the city has a curfew. Schertz has imposed a curfew which states that it is against the law for any juvenile under seventeen (17) years of age not in the company of his or her parent to purposely remain, walk, run, stand, drive, or ride about in or upon any public place within the incorporated boundaries of the City between the hours of 11:30 p.m. and 5:30 a.m. Sunday evening through Friday morning or the hours between 1:00 a.m. and 5:30 a.m. on Saturday or Sunday mornings. It is against the law for any parent having legal custody of a juvenile to knowingly encourage or consent to any act by the juvenile which would be in violation of the curfew imposed in this ordinance.

There are fines and punishments that can be imposed on the parents/guardians of the juvenile as well an on the juvenile in violation of this law.

More information on this law and exceptions to it can be found online at under the City?’s Code of Ordinances.


The 2 year drought has caused several water lines to break in Northcliffe. Aaron Dammann from Public Works and his crew Ben Sanchez and James Smith have responded immediately to fix the water leaks as soon as they have been reported and often are seen working late into the evening hours.Thanks Public Works for the great service!!!!


Congratulations to the Steele Knights football team. It seems they are going to the ?“Prime Time?” on television?—TWICE!
First Steele will play San Antonio Southwest on Thursday September 10 at 7:15 P.M. at Lehnhoff Stadium on Elbel Road.The Steele-Clemens game will be played at the same location on Thursday, October 1 at 7:15 P.M. Both games will be telecast on Fox affiliate KMYS. Check your guide for the correct channel.

Good luck Steele Knights on hopefully another winning season. Your community is behind you!


This is from the Schertz Web Site:
?“Schertz receives its water from the Carrizo Aquifer, not through the Edwards Aquifer Authority. The Carrizo Aquifer is NOT under Stage 1, 2, 3, or 4 restrictions. Schertz promotes a year-round water conservation plan, the rules are as follows:
Year round outdoor sprinkler watering is prohibited between 10:00 am - 8:00 pm daily. The use of a handheld hose or other handheld watering device or a drip irrigation system can be used at any time.
It shall be a violation if a person or customer allows water to run off into a non-pervious ditch, or fails to repair a controllable leak. Re-use water usage is exempt from the water conservation plan. Customers using water from a private water well must comply with all requirements of the water conservation plan. All persons are urged not to waste water. As this dry season continues, be prepared for restrictions to be placed. Be water-wise.?”


Below is information provided by Officer Ceeko of the Schertz Police Department. Unfortunately this years class is currently in progress, but this information is being provided so that our residents will have advance notice to apply for next year?’s class. If you are interested, please keep this information handy, or call the Schertz Police Department closer to next June.
According to Mr. George Waterman, a Northcliffe resident who took the course, it was very informative and gave great insight into what our police men and women face daily.
All communities need the eyes and ears of it citizens to help in fighting crime. The police cannot be in all places, and the bad guys know this and count on it. If we can help the police by recognizing and calling in suspicious activities then we can help fight crime in our community.
The Schertz Police Department Citizens Police Academy is a program where citizens can become familiar with the role of local Law Enforcement. The program is 12-weeks of training where police officers serve as instructors and provide scenarios and role-play in giving citizens a view of what Law Enforcement is all about.
The program is designed to increase the rapport between citizens and Police Officers. The Citizens Police Academy does not give the students any Police Officer Certifications or Qualifications, and is for educational purposes only.

The Academy consists of classroom instruction and hands-on learning. Some of the topics include: simulated firearms training, use of force, laws, city ordinances, traffic stops, criminal investigations, and communications.
Persons interested in the Schertz Citizens Police Academy must be at least 18 years of age, and complete the application process. A background check is done on all applicants, at no charge. There is no fee for the class, and it will be limited to 30 students. The classes are held one evening a week from 6pm to 9pm.

Graduates of the Citizens Police Academy have the option of joining the Citizens Police Academy Alumni and also the Schertz Citizens Patrol. The Schertz Citizens on Patrol is a volunteer program where graduates of the Citizens Police Academy will be able to patrol the City of Schertz in a Citizens on Patrol vehicle. In order to be eligible to participate a person must complete the entire 12 week academy, a Defensive Driving course (at the volunteers expense), a CPR/AED course (this course can be received by Schertz EMS with prior approval from Schertz PD), and spend a minimum of 8 hours in the police 911 dispatch center as an observer before being allowed to operate the COP car. For further questions please contact Officer Ceeko at 210-619-1253.


Our police calls year to date show a major increase in criminal mischief, violent disturbances and reckless driving. We must assist in being the eyes and ears of the Police. Please call the non-emergency police number210-658-5321. You do not have to give your name! If necessary, do not hesitate to dial 911.


With 47 consecutive days of sweltering heat over 100 degrees, the City Pool at Northcliffe provided a much needed relief for many residents of our community. For the second year, Schertz contracted with the YMCA to manage both the Pickrell Park and Northcliffe Pools.Those that used the pool were very pleased with the meticulous water quality testing program that the YMCA maintained as well as the friendly atmosphere that was created by the four lifeguards who were always on duty. Two of the YMCA Lifeguards were residents of Northcliffe.
Brendon Hollinshead who lives on Cliffside has been a Lifeguard and a swimming lesson instructor for the past 3 years. ?“Being a Lifeguard is a fun job, said Brendon, it allows me to be outdoors and provides an opportunity for me to serve my community. I also enjoy teaching swimming lessons because I know that our program helps kids build confidence and helps them grow as a whole person.?”
Matthew Jura who also lives on Cliffside, just finished his first year as a lifeguard at Northcliffe and said: ?“I chose to be a Lifeguard because I have used this pool for several years and have always respected the job that the lifeguards do. I also like being around the water and seeing all the happy kids who are enjoying the pool.?”

Thanks YMCA and all the Lifeguards for a great year at the pool!

The YMCA will be managing the Northcliffe Pool again next year. Anyone interested in becoming a Lifeguard can e-mail Sarah Remiers, the YMCA Pool Manager at


We contacted the City Engineer, Larry Dublin, for an update on our street repairs, and this is what he had to share. As part of the $20 million dollar Schertz 2006 Street Bond Election the following road improvements are planned in Northcliffe.

Realignment of Old Weiderstein and Chelsea Drive at FM 1103 The $809,066.59 contract was awarded 4 April and work has begun. The project consists of construction of road and drainage improvements, provisions for future signal construction, and a water line extension.
Morning Drive, Cliffside Drive and Stoney Brook Drive.

On 4 Aug City Council approved a bid of $647,272.65 for the rehabilitation of Morning Drive, Cliffside Drive and Stoney Brook. The project consists of construction of new sidewalks, new curbs, driveways and a new pavement section. Work should begin the end of August and take about 6 months.

Reconstruction of Country Club Blvd
Work on Country Club Blvd has been awarded and should begin the end of August. and take about 6 months. This is a $810,00.00 project.

Phase 2 of our streets project should go to design in September, but the streets to be included in this phase have not yet been determined. Our thanks to Mr. Dublin for this valuable and informative.


The mission of the Northcliffe Homeowners Association is to promote a safe, pleasant environment in which to live and to protect property values. The HOA Board meets monthly. There are 6 Board of Director positions which need to be voted on during an election in the October Community Meeting. 3 current Directors are up for re-election and 3 other positions have been vacant for several years. If you are interested in serving your community as a Director, please contact Jack Mitchell at (830) 625-3044 or join us at the October meeting.


Northcliffe residents on Morning Drive have expressed concern about speeding traffic on their quiet residential street. In response to their concerns, the City installed a temporary speed monitoring device on Morning Drive. The data collected from this study will be used by the City of Schertz to determine if additional speed control methods may be needed on Morning Drive.

What can you do if you as a Northcliffe resident have the same concerns about a traffic or road conditions on your street? Present your concerns to the Schertz Traffic and Safety Advisory Commission (TSAC). TSAC meets once a month at 5:30 PM at the Schertz City Council Chambers, 1400 Schertz Parkway. The Commission is made up of 9 Schertz citizens who have been appointed by the City Council to represent all areas.

Steven Bisch who lives in Northcliffe is a member of TSAC. City Councilman David Scagliola, who also lives in Northcliffe is the City Council Liaison to the TSAC.
?“At the beginning of each meeting, said Councilman Scagliola, the TSAC listens to concerns from citizens of Schertz regarding traffic or safety issues. The TSAC then can recommend changes to City traffic and safety policies based on citizen input?”.
?“Any Northcliffe resident, stated Councilman Scagliola, who would like more information about the TSAC or has concerns about traffic and safety issues can contact me at 830-606-1130. Residents can also check the Schertz City website for TSAC information?”.


We like to keep homeowners informed about many important events that may be happening around our neighborhood and the city. Our Email address list has been growing, but has a long way to go. If you, too, would like to be notified about important events please email your name and email address to:


The Northcliffe Newsletter has been published by community volunteers for the past 30 years. The Homeowners Association pays the $270.00 cost to publish the quarterly newsletter.
Anyone who has an interest in helping to write articles for the newsletter or has a suggestion for information they would like to see in the newsletter, please contact Debbie Bell at 830-609-1008.


Schertz residents may soon be paying more for recycling this fall as the Schertz City Council has called for an election to give the city the option of raising recycling rates. Currently Schertz residents pay $1.25 per household per month for recycling services. This rate was fixed 10 years ago. On November 3rd citizens will be asked to approve a referendum to increase these rates.

The November 3rd Schertz election coincides with the Texas Constitutional Election. There are 11 proposed amendments to the Texas Constitution which require a majority vote to be amended to the constitution. Sue Bashum., the Guadalupe County Elections Administrator stated all residents are encouraged to register to vote or update their registration if their address has recently changed to ensure they are eligible to cast their ballot in November.

The last day to register to vote in the November election is October 5th.

Voter registration cards are available at the Corner Store at Country Club Blvd.
You can also register to vote or update your voter registration online by going to the Guadalupe Election Website @


For many years there has been a weekly free local Newspaper that has been published each Thursday which includes information for Schertz, Cibolo, Windcrest, Universal City, Converse and Garden Ridge called the Northeast Herald. 25,000 paper copies of this newspaper have been hand delivered to the door step of many subdivisions in the above cities.
A few paper copies of the Northeast Herald have been available at the Northcliffe Golf Club Pro Shop and more recently at the new Walgreens Store on Fm 1103.

We contacted the company that publishes the Northeast Herald to see if the local Newspaper could be delivered free to Northcliffe residents. Due to publishing costs, this was not an option but they have how expanded their service by publishing an online version of the Northeast Herald each Thursday.

You can read the online version of the weekly Northeast Herald at this Website each Thursday@


Northcliffe intermediate students will be attending a brand new school when the doors open this fall. Schlather Intermediate is the newest addition to the SCUC school district. The campus, which? houses both fifth and sixth grades, is? beautifully furnished and equipped with the latest in technology.


Free Admission

Join us for this year?’s family friendly celebration of the Schertz Community at Pickrell Park

Food Music Carnival & Fun

Friday, October 2nd
Tejano Night
Leslie Lugo 7:00p.m.
Shelly Lares 9:00pm

Saturday, October 3rd
Texas Country Night
Live Bands from
Noon to 10:45 pm

Where and When To Vote in the 3 November
Texas Constitutional Amendment and Schertz City Elections:

For Northcliffe residents who live in Guadalupe County, knowing where to vote on election day can sometimes be confusing. Sometimes we vote at the old Fire Station in Northcliffe at other times the Schertz Community Center on Schertz Parkway.
According to Sue Bashum the Guadalupe County Elections official, the Court has to make a decision how many voting locations in the county need to be open for each election, based on the projected expected turn out.
In the last Texas Constitutional Amendment election, only 77 people voted at the old Northcliffe Fire Station. Therefore, the Court decided not to open up the Northcliffe Fire Station for voting on 3 November.
Residents of Northcliffe who live in Guadalupe County will go to the Schertz Community Center on Schertz Parkway to cast their vote on 3 November, election day.
The most convenient way to vote to avoid the crowds on election day is to cast your ballot on one of the many early voting days that are available the last two weeks in October.
The Guadalupe and Schertz Websites will post these dates. Northcliffe will also post the dates for early voting on our entrance message boards.
The early voting location will be at the Guadalupe County Annex Building located on Elbel Road in Schertz.

We contacted the Comal Country Elections office to determine where and when Northcliffe residents who live on Columbia and Charleston which are located in Comal County will vote.
We were told that Comal County is still in the process of finalizing their election locations and dates, but that information will soon be available on the Comal County Elections Website.


In August, a small toddler was found wandering in the Northcliffe City Park on Cherry Tree all alone.

Two Northcliffe residents who were driving past the park, noticed the small child and stopped to help. They called the Schertz Police, and assured the toddlers safety by waiting until the police arrived.

To these two Northcliffe residents who cared enough to stop that day we say ?“Thank you?”!
Also, a big thanks to Officer K. Davidson from the Schertz Police Department, who handled the situation with such care and compassion.

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