Dear Residents:
Your HOA Board is hard at work planning and organizing events for our community. Just a reminder the HOA is sponsoring the second annual community yard sale on Saturday, May 1st. Billie Jo Kitts is organizing this event so look for the notice in this newsletter for the contact information. Last year?’s sale was a big hit for all those involved, so let's all pitch in and make this one even better.
Your HOA is sponsoring and organizing a neighborhood watch. Two of your Board members, Dorothy Boyle and Linda Cohen, are hard at work organizing this important program. This is a sure-fire way to reduce crime in our community. So volunteer to be a block captain for your street. Only by your involvement can we take a bite out of crime and make Northcliffe a better place to live.
With the arrival of spring, please remember that Northcliffe does have deed restrictions on parking boats and trailers in your driveway, on the street, or on your property where they are visible from the street for more than 12 hours. All of us want our community to be a pleasant place to live, so by enforcing these deed restrictions your Board ensures the integrity of our community.
If you have any questions or comments about anything in this column or the newsletter, or if you have some general comments or questions, please feel free to contact me or any board member. Our phone numbers are listed in this newsletter. Or if you prefer you may contact me by E-mail at or the HOA at
Duane McCune, President
Northcliffe Homeowner's Association