If you have a concern within your neighborhood and have not been able to find the help you need or have been unsuccessful in getting help from the city, we would like to hear from you.
If you would like to know more about our association, e-mail our Secretary, Laura Taylor, for more information.
Tonya K Wagner
Email: tkwagner@rcsis.com
5943 Geoffwood Ct
Citrus Heights CA 95621
Home: 916-721-1462
Office: 916-412-7077
Jack Sales
5978 Woodbriar Way
Citrus Heights CA 05621
Home: 916-726-7405
Elaine Knecht
Email: emknecht@hotmail.com
6125 Glenhurst Way
Citrus Heights CA 95621
Home: 916-412-3195
Beverly Sales
Email: basales@surewest.net
5978 Woodbriar Way
Citrus Heights CA 95621
Home: 916-726-7405