Is there anyone out there that might be interested in filling the positions of Democratic and Republican Precinct Judge? These positions are open and in need of a responsible individual for the upcoming election in November. If you are interested in these positions the pay is $7/hr for the judge position.
Each party has the ability to bring in clerks to work at each election and their pay is $6/hr. You will be trained and instructed through classes held at each party?’s headquarters or at designated locations.
The Democratic Headquarters is located at 1445 North Loop West, 713-802-0085. The Republican Headquarters is located at 3311 Richmond Ave., 713-838-7900.
?¿Le interesar?a llenar las posiciones de Jueces del Recinto Dem?³cratas o Republicanos? Estas posiciones est?¡n buscando a un individual responsable para las elecciones en Noviembre. Si usted esta interesado, el pago es $7/hora para la posici?³n de juez.
Cada partido tiene la habilidad de tener hasta seis empleados para trabajar en cada elecci?³n, y su pago es $6/hora. Usted ser?¡ entrenado e instruido a trav?©s de clases que tomaran lugar en las oficinas de cada partido, ya sea Dem?³crata o Republicano.
La oficina del parido Dem?³crata esta localizada en 1445 North Loop West, 713-802-0085. La oficina del partido Republicano esta localizada en 3311 Richmond Ave., 713-838-7900.