Oak Park Community Council





The name of this organization shall be OAK PARK COMMUNITY COUNCIL.


Section 1.
The Objects of this Council are to promote the welfare of the community and the residents (Approved Nov. 7, 2002. This replaced “citizens”) within.

Section 2.
To secure adequate representation before any legislative body dealing with the education, security and well being of our community.

Section 3.
To serve as a channel of communication between legislative bodies or City Departments and the community.


Section 1.
The Council shall be noncommercial, nonsectarian, nonracial and nonpartisan.

Section 2.
The name of the Council or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used in any connection with a commercial concern or with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to promotion of the Objects of this organization.

Section 3.
All checks shall be signed by two of the following designated officers: President, Treasurer or Recording Secretary.

Section 4.
The boundaries for membership in this Council shall be on the West: Chollas Creek to Dalehaven Pl. to Euclid Ave. to Federal Blvd. - on the South: Federal Blvd. and MLK Jr. Freeway (S.R. 94) - on the East: College Av. - on the North: Streamview Dr. to Michael St. to Day St. to Dwight St. to Ace St. including Croft St. and Spa St. to 54th St. (Approved Nov. 7, 2002. This replaced “The boundaries for membership in this Council shall be anyone living within the boundaries of Oak Park School (boundaries recorded as of June 25, 1975). (Also Carver School as of October 1976).”)


Section 1.
Membership in this organization shall be made available to any individual who subscribes to the Objects and Basic Policies of the Council, and who resides, owns property, or has a business with a physical presents (Approved Nov. 7, 2002. This replaced “live”) within the boundaries of this Council; without regard to race, color, creed or national origin under such rules and regulations, not in conflict with the provision of these bylaws.

This Council shall conduct an annual enrollment of members, but may admit persons to membership at any time.

Section 3.
Each member of this Council shall pay such annual dues as may be prescribed by the Council.

Section 4.
Annual membership dues shall be $5.00 for heads of household and $ 8.00 for a household. (Approved Feb. 2, 1984. This replaced "Annual membership dues shall be $3.00 for the heads of the household per year; any additional legal voting adult of the same household shall be $.50 per year." Approved Oct. 5, 1995. This replaced "Annual membership dues shall be $2.50 for a head of household $5.00 for a household.") Additional donations will be accepted.


Section 1.
The officers of this Council shall be a president, two (2) vice-presidents, a recording secretary, corresponding secretary, treasurer, auditor and parliamentarian. These officers shall be elected annually by ballot with the exception of the parliamentarian, who shall be appointed by the president, subject to the approval of the executive board.

Section 2.
Nominations for officers shall be made by a nominating committee of five (5) members elected by the Council at the March meeting. Two alternates shall also be elected. The nominating committee shall report at the April meeting, and shall continue to exist until the election is held. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before his/her name is placed in nomination.

Section 3.
The privilege of holding office shall be limited to members of the Council whose dues are paid, who have been members of the Council for at least six (6) months, and who live within the boundaries of this Council.

Section 4.
Election shall be held by ballot at the annual meeting in May, at which time nominations may be made from the floor. The consent of each candidate must be obtained before his/her name is placed in nomination. If there is but one candidate for an office, the ballot may be dispensed with and the election held by a voice vote.

Section 5.
Officers shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until their successors have been elected. No officer shall be eligible to the same office for more than two (2) consecutive terms. Officers shall assume their duties on July 1. Vacancies in office shall be filled by the Council executive board, subject to ratification at the next general meeting.

Section 6.
Any member of the Council Executive board who does not comply with the policies of the Council or fails to perform his/her duties, may be removed from office by the president, with the consent of two-thirds (2/3) of the full membership of the Executive Board.

Section 7.
A vacancy occurring in any office shall be filled for the unexpired term by a person elected by the Executive Board, notice of such election having been given. In case a vacancy occurs in the office of president, the
First vice-president shall serve notice of the election.

Section 8.
The president-elect shall call a meeting of the board-elect to ratify chairmen, fill vacancies in office and make plans for the coming year.

Section 9.
If an office remains unfilled after election, it shall be considered a vacant office to be filled by the board-elect, subject to ratification at the next general meeting.


Section 1.
The president shall preside at all meetings of the Council and executive board; shall be a member ex officio of all committees, except the nominating committee; and, with the ratification of the executive board, shall appoint the parliamentarian and the chairmen of the standing committees. The president shall be responsible for getting reports from officers and chairmen at the end of year and making the annual report. The president may call a special meeting of the executive board at any time deemed necessary and shall call such a meeting upon written request of a quorum of the board.

Section 2.
The 1st vice-president shall preside at all meetings in the absence of the president, shall serve as program chairman, shall aid the president, and shall assume such other duties as shall be assigned by the president or the executive board.

Section 3.
The 2nd vice-president shall preside in the absence of the 1st vice-president; shall serve as membership chairman, and shall make and keep available the membership count, coinciding with cash receipts of the Council, for the president as well as the treasurer, prior to all meetings; and shall assume such other duties as shall be assigned by the president or the executive board.

Section 4.
The recording secretary shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings of all meetings of the Council and of the executive board; shall be prepared to refer to minutes of previous meetings; shall prepare a summary of all unfinished business for the use of the president.

Section 5.
The corresponding secretary shall conduct such correspondence as shall be delegated to him/her by the president, the executive board and the Council; shall notify officers of their election and chairmen of their appointment; shall send out notices of any special meetings.

Section 6.
The treasurer shall:
a. Keep such permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the Council, including specifically, the number of members and the dues collected from the members.

b. The treasurer shall receive all moneys for the Council and shall deposit them in the name of the Council in a bank approved by the executive board; shall keep an accurate record of receipts and disbursements; shall present a statement of account at every meeting of the Council and at other times when requested by the executive board. Checks may be drawn against the Council's account only upon proper
authorization of the Council or the executive board, and shall be signed by two (2) of the following members of the executive board; president, treasurer and the recording secretary.

c. The treasurer shall give receipts for all moneys received and shall get receipts for all moneys given out. No non-budget items exceeding $150.00 (Approved Nov. 7, 2002. This replaced “bills”) shall be paid without a vote of the Council. The books of account and records shall, at all reasonable times, be open to inspection of the Council. In case of resignation of the treasurer, an audit of the books is required.

d. The treasurer shall be responsible for filling out and forwarding all necessary report forms required by the Internal Revenue Service and State Franchise Tax Board. Tax forms must be filled out and filed by the treasurer by March 30, along with the annual report.

Section 7.
The auditor shall audit the books of the Council and render a written report to the Council in January and at the end of the treasurer's term of office; shall audit the books upon the resignation of the treasurer; and at any time deemed necessary.

Section 8.
The parliamentarian shall attend all meetings of the Council and of the executive board; shall give necessary advice in parliamentary procedure when requested; and shall call the first meeting of the nominating committee to give instructions in procedure, and preside until a chairman has been elected, and then withdraw unless he is an elected member of the committee.

Section 9.
Officers and chairmen shall be required to attend all board and Council meetings. When an officer or chairman has failed to attend two (2) executive board meetings, the membership shall give notice by U.S. Mail that a third absence without adequate excuse shall automatically expel such member from his/her position and the office declared vacant.

Section 10.
Each officer and chairman, upon the expiration of the term of office, or in case of resignation, shall give promptly to the president or parliamentarian without delay, his/her funds, books, records and all other materials pertaining to the office.

Section 11.
Annual reports shall be made by all officers and chairmen and filed with the president.


Section 1.
Regular meetings of this Council shall be held monthly unless otherwise ordered by the Council or the Executive Board. The annual election meeting shall be held in May.

Section 2.
Special meetings of the Council may be called by the president by written request of a quorum of the board; or by a majority of the Council. At least five (5) days notice of such special meetings shall be given.

Section 3.
A minimum of four (4) meetings shall be held each year. The regular meeting in May shall be the annual meeting, at which time the officers shall be elected.

Section 4.
The privilege of making motions, debating and voting shall be limited to members of the Council whose dues are paid and who have been members of the Council for at least thirty (30) days previous.

Section 5.
Twenty-five (25) members shall constitute a quorum.


Section 1.
The executive board shall consist of officers or the Council and chairmen.

Section 2.
The executive board shall transact necessary business between meetings of the Council, and such other business as may be referred to it by the Council. It shall create such standing committees as are deemed necessary to carry on the work of the Council. It is subject to all orders of the council and none of its acts shall conflict with action taken by the Council. It shall present a report at the regular meetings of the Council.

Section 3.
The executive board shall authorize the payment of bills not to exceed $150.00 (Approved Nov. 7, 2002. This replaced “$50.00”) per month; this action to be reported at the next regular meeting.

Section 4.
The executive board shall meet monthly, unless otherwise ordered by the members. Special meetings of the executive board may be called by the president, and called by written request of four (4) members or the executive board.

Section 5.
When an officer or chairman fails to attend three (3) consecutive meetings without adequate excuse, the executive board may, by two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote, declare the office or chairmanship vacant.

Section 6.
Each officer or chairman, upon the expiration of his/her term of office or in case of resignation, shall turn over to the president-elect without delay all records, books, funds and other materials pertaining to the office or chairmanship.,

Section 7.
Four (4) members shall be a quorum of the executive board.


Section 1.
There shall be such standing committees created by the executive board as may be required to carry on the work of the Council. The chairman of standing committees shall be appointed by the president subject to the approval of the elected officers. The term of office for these chairmen shall be one (1) year, or until their successors are appointed. Annual reports shall be made by chairmen and filed with the president.


Section 1.
These bylaws may be amended or added to by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at any regular meeting of the Council,
provided notice has been given at the previous regular meeting or by thirty (30) days written notice has been given to membership.


The fiscal year of this Council shall begin July 1 and end June 30.


"Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised" shall govern this Council in all cases in which they are applicable and not in conflict with these bylaws.



OCTOBER 5, 1995
NOVEMBER 7, 2002

1. At the beginning of term in office, each member of the executive board shall be given a copy of these bylaws, and shall be responsible for making a thorough study of them. A copy of these bylaws shall be made available to any member of the Council upon request.

2. Chairman of the nominating committee shall notify nominees for office to be present at the election.

3. A minimum of $300.00 (Approved Nov. 7, 2002. This replaced “$50.00”) should be left in the treasury for the incoming administration.

Posted by jlong on 11/17/2002
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