Oakdale Neighborhood Association

A Dirty Nuisance

Animal Feces Law

A nuisance that has been around for many years is people who walk their dogs but do not clean up after them when they relieve themselves on other peoples’ property. They are breaking a law! LMCO 91.112 states “It shall be unlawful for any owner or person in charge of a dog ……to permit such animal to be on …..any private property ….without the owner or person in charge of such animals to have in his or her possession, a suitable device for the picking up …and proper sanitary disposal of the animal feces…” Wouldn’t it be nice if this ordinance were obeyed?
Another nuisance ONA has been fighting against since its incorporation is commercial vehicles – particularly semi’s and especially semi’s with trailers attached – parking on streets in a residential area. The old Louisville Code of Ordinances is still current and Chapter 75.05 states “It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any commercial or industrial vehicle or any other thing that may be a nuisance, obstruction, or hindrance in or on any public way within the city either during the day or night, except while the vehicle is being loaded or unloaded and such loading or unloading operation is actually taking place or while the cab of the vehicle is occupied by the driver thereof.”
This needs to be enforced. It is extremely dangerous to pull out of a street or an alley when a tractor-trailer is parked on the street overnight and many times over an entire weekend. When you see this, please report it to the police.
We can discuss this with the Police Representative who will be at our September meeting. Be there with your concerns!

Posted by rolver on 08/17/2003
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