Old San Rafael Neighborhood Organization
Board of Directors Meeting
Minutes ?– November 12, 2002
In attendance: Jennifer Carter, Helen French, Nancy Wiseman, Christine Watkins, Marty Jones, Nelson Bock, Kipp Lockwood, Dan Buscarello, Paul Brothe
Neighborhood Activities Aug/Sept/Oct: Paul Brothe reported that the Neighborhood Cleanup in August included 12 people, several of whom had never participated previously. The Historic Denver House Tour was a success. The neighborhood yard sale was not as successful as 2002 due to the weather, but still raised $96.11 thanks to generous donations from neighbors. Paul conducted a tour of the neighborhood on behalf of the annual convention of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Children?’s Hospital: Marty Jones reported that there is a meeting scheduled for November 13, 2003. The estimated move date is in 2007 or 2008.
Hospital Urban Design Form: Nelson Bock reported that he attended the most recent monthly meeting. A presentation was made on a pedestrian and lighting master plan. East Village is scheduled for demolition this fall. Building is scheduled to begin in October 2004.
City Park West Overlay District: The Board discussed the recent approval of the City Park West Overlay District. The Board agreed that it would be beneficial to have Carla Madison, the President of the City Park West neighborhood attend our next meeting. Marty Jones will arrange the next meeting with Ms. Madison.
Uptown Partnership: Nelson Bock reported that the Josh from the Uptown Partnership states that the 22nd and Washington development project is on ?“market hold?”.
Elections: The Board unanimously approved Christine Watkins as a Board member. The Board entertained nominations and elected the following officers:
Jennifer Carter ?– President
Nelson Bock ?– Vice President
Paul Brothe ?– Secretary/Treasurer
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Wednesday, January 14, 2004 at Nancy Wiseman?’s house 2096 Emerson.