Old San Rafael Neighborhood Organization
Board of Directors Meeting
March 11, 2003
In attendance: Katherine Sharpe, Nelson Bock, Marty Jones, Kipp Lockwood, Paul Brothe
1. A letter of understanding from Ted Freedman regarding the intentions of the Denver Housing Authority and East Village was reviewed and approved. The San Rafael neighborhood will be a signer of the letter.
2. Students from UCD have been working with Childrens Hospital regarding design proposals for the site after the hospital moves to Fitzsimmons. For those interested, a review of the various plans will be held at the Graduate School of Design, 14th and Larimer on Tuesday, March 18, 2003, in room 470, from 1:00 to 4:00.
3. There is no update on Our Faith Baptist church redevelopment.
4. The neighborhood board (Nelson, Helen French, Paul Brothe and Bob Marshall), met with the new owners of Pierre?’s Supper Club. They are interested in working with the neighborhood.
5. The Keep Denver Beautiful Neighborhood Clean-up is scheduled for May 10, 2003. We will meet at 9:00 a.m. for a continental breakfast. After clean up the streets and alleys we may take on a project for an elderly or in-need neighbor have any ideas of someone we could help. Please mark your calendars ?– many hands make light work and it is great way to meet the neighbors
6. The Annual Meeting for the neighborhood is tentatively planned for Tuesday, June 3, 2003.
7. The next board meeting is planned for the week of May 19th, details to follow.