This letter printed on Ohio Environmental Council Letterhead was presented to the Fairfield County Commissioners during the annexation hearing concerning the 245 acres comprising the former Diley Farm, now owned by the Diley Road Associates, holding company for Dominion Homes. The hearing was continued to a future date as debate between Violet Township and the City raged over road and bridge money remained unresolved at the hearing. The environmental issues will be brought up at the next hearing. PATA will post the date when it is finalized.
September 26, 2000
Honorable Lisa Kessler, Honorable Allan Reid, Honorable Judy Shupe
Fairfield County Commissioners
210 East Main Street
Lancaster, OH 43130-3854
RE: Proposed Annexation - City of Pickerington - Diley Road
Dear Commissioners,
On behalf of our 125 member groups, we respectfully request that the Commission carefully consider the city of Pickerington’s annexation request of 245 acres in Violet Township near Diley Road and its potential for negative impact to the adjacent Pickerington Ponds wildlife refuge.
Specifically, we ask that the Commission conduct a thorough and independent examination of all existing hydrology and geology studies related to the Pickerington Ponds, and, if necessary, commission its own additional study, to determine the potential impact that this annexation request and the city of Pickerington’s impending 155-acre annexation request may have on the Pickerington Ponds.
As cited in previous reports, the Pickerington well field is located within the zone of influence of the Pickerington Ponds. New housing units will draw additional water from the well field. This could result in inadvertent drainage of the wildlife refuge. Also, new housing units will substantially increase the impervious surface area near the refuge. This could potentially impact the capacity of the well field, as the ponds could become the primary source of recharge for the well field. We would respectfully point out that alternative sources of water supply do exist from nearby public utility connections.
The Pickerington Ponds is an important natural resource. This unique system of marshes, glacial kettles, and adjacent uplands supports a wide variety of plant and animal species. In addition, it is a popular birdwatching location for the public. Its significance stretches well beyond the central Ohio region, as evidenced by its official designation as a state nature preserve by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Natural Areas and Preserves.
Again, please take the time to conduct a thorough, careful, and independent analysis of this annexation request and its potential impact on the Pickerington Ponds. Thank you.
Jack Shaner, Public Affairs Manager
Ohio Environmental Council