PATA History Pages

Even more Pickerington Annexations --

Flying in the face of annexation reform & CEDA

387 more acres sought by Pickerington to annex. One parcel "hostiley annexed", bulk of the lands in the Canal Winchester School District, PR-10 zoning included, inducements of municipal funds, etc.

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** see link below - LEGAL NOTICE Notice is hereby given that a petition signed by a majority of the owners of real estate in the territory hereinafter described, addressed to the Board of County Commissioners of Fairfield County, Ohio, was filed with the Board of County Commissioners to annex to the city of Pickerington, Ohio the following described property: Situate in the State of Ohio, County of Fairfield, Violet Township, lying in Sections 21, 22, 28 and 29, Township 15 N, Range 20 W, Congress Lands, and being more particularly bound and described as follows: BEGINNING, at the point of intersection of the easterly right-of-way line of Hill Road (County Road 18 - 60 feet wide) with the northerly right-of-way line of Busey Road (Township Road 216 - 35 feet wide), said point also being in an angle point in the existing City of Pickerington Corporation Line as established by Ordinance Number 2001-140, of record in Official Record 1189, Pg. 0720; Thence North 8927'05" East, a distance of 1729.40! feet, along the existing City of Pickerington Corporation Line to a point in the northerly extension of the common line to the Amanda Road Associates 73.36 acre tract (Remainder) and the Elmer L. Smith 3.025 acre tract; Thence South 0040'53" East, a distance of 557.00 feet, along the common line to said 73.36 acre and 3.025 acre tracts to a point at a common corner to said 73.36 and 3.025 acre tracts and being in a northerly line of the 8185 Investments, LP 55.000 acre tract; Thence South 8405'26" West, a distance of 62.23 feet, along a common line to said 73.36 and 55.000 acre tracts to a point at a common corner to said tracts; Thence the following thirteen (13) courses and distances along the common lines to said 73.36 and 55.000 acre tracts and 8185 Investments, LP 1.50 acre tract: 1. South 1934'35" West, a distance of 661.29 feet, to a point; 2. South 8825'25" East, a distance of 9.46 feet, to a point; 3. South 0134'35" West, a distance of 396.82 feet, to a point ; 4. ! South 0531'01" East, a distance of 320.12 feet, to a point; 5. ! North 7528'59" East, a distance of 147.50 feet, to a point; 6. North 4658'59" East, a distance of 81.59 feet, to a point; 7. North 1522'55" West, a distance of 113.74 feet, to a point; 8. South 4138'00" East, a distance of 198.41 feet, to a point; 9. South 2434'04" West, a distance of 132.28 feet, to a point; 10. South 7932'34" West, a distance of 132.28 feet, to a point; 11. South 4033'17" West, a distance of 99.21 feet, to a point; 12. South 0447'56" West, a distance of 140.14 feet, to a point; 13. South 4700'12" East, a distance of 22.47 feet, to a point at a common corner to said 73.36 acre and 55.000 acre tracts and the Janice L. Craig and Sheridan Smith 13.59 acre tract; Thence South 3817'38" West, a distance of 701.00 feet, along a common line to said 13.59 acre and 73.36 acre tracts to a point at a common corner to said tracts and being in the common line to Sections 22 and 27; Thence WEST a distance of 1097.65 feet, along the southerly line of said 73.36 acre tract ! and the common line to said Sections 22 and 27 to a point at a common corner to Sections 21, 22, 27 and 28, and being a common corner to said 73.36 acre tract and the Winchester Tract II Development, Inc 33.4904 acre tract; Thence SOUTH a distance of 2604.72 feet, along the line common to Sections 27 and 28 to a point in the northerly right-of-way line of Basil-Western Road (County Road 13 - 60 feet wide); Thence South 8943'08" West, a distance of 300.50 feet, along the northerly right-of-way of said Basil-Western Road, to a point in the extension of a line common to the Lindi L. Oliver 2.501 acre tract (Parcel I) and the Polly Weiser 9.152 acre tract; Thence South 0056'52" East, a distance of 1210.94 feet, along the line common to said 2.501 acre and 9.152 acre tracts, the Lindi L. Oliver 4.00 acre tract (Parcel II) and the Lindi L. Oliver 1.868 acre tract (Parcel III), to a point at the southeasterly corner of said 9.152 acre tract and being in the northerly right-of-way l! ine of U. S. Route 33; Thence North 7722'22" West, a distance o! f 441.71 feet, along the northerly right-of-way of line of said U.S. Route 33, to a point at a common corner to said 9.152 acre tract and the Paula M. Linville 10.109 acre tract; Thence North 0056'52" West, a distance of 1112.26 feet, along the line common to said 9.152 acre and 10.109 acre tract, the Kevin Weiser 1.00 acre tract (Tract II), the Kevin Weiser 1.00 acre tract (Tract I) and its extension, to a point in the northerly right-of-way line of said Basil-Western Road; Thence South 8943'08" West, a distance of 1046.61 feet, along the northerly right-of-way line of said Bail-Western Road, to a point in the easterly line of the Harold O. and Rose M. Pearce 1.01 acre tract; Thence NORTH a distance of 209.58 feet, along the easterly line of said 1.01 acre tract, to a point at the northeasterly corner of said 1.01 acre tract; Thence South 8943'08" West, a distance of 182.50 feet, along the northerly line of said 1.01 acre tract, to a point at the northwesterly corner of sai! d 1.01 acre tract; Thence SOUTH a distance of 209.58 feet, along the westerly line of said 1.01 acre tract, to a point in the northerly right-of-way line of said Basil-Western Road; Thence South 8943'08" West, a distance of 758.26 feet, along the northerly right-of-way line of said Basil-Western Road, to a point in the northerly extension of the line common to the Mid-States Wool Growers Cooperative Association 1 acre tract and the Fee Lines Homes, LTD, an Ohio Limited Liability Company original 9.987 acre tract; Thence South 0029'15" East, a distance of 639.65 feet, along the common line to said 1 acre and 9.987 acre tracts (and its extension), to a point at a common corner to said 25.4409 acre and original 9.987 acre tracts and being in the northerly right-of-way line of said U.S. Route 33; Thence North 7700'25" West, a distance of 645.18 feet, along the northerly right-of-way line of said U.S. Route 33, to a point at a common corner to said original 9.987 acre tract and t! he Who Land, LLC 2.845 acre tract; Thence North 1848'08" East, ! a distance of 194.87 feet, along the common line to said 9.987 acre and 2.845 acre tracts, to an angle point; Thence North 0109'48" East, a distance of 247.42 feet, continuing along the said common line to a point in the southerly right-of-way of said Basil-Western Road; Thence North 8943'08" East, a distance of 56.07 feet, along the southerly right-of-way of said Basil-Western Road, to a point in the southerly extension of the common line to the Weiser Development Co. 50.37 acre tract and the Mark E. Poff 0.53 acre tract; Thence North 0016'52" West, a distance of 360.00 feet, along the common line to said 50.37 acre and 0.53 acre tracts (and its southerly extension), to a point at the northeasterly corner to said 0.53 acre tract; Thence South 8943'08" West, a distance of 602.00 feet, along the northerly line of said Mark E. Poff 2.56 (Total) acre tracts and the northerly line of the Robert A. and Michelle Poff 2.00 acre tract, to a point at the northwesterly corner of said ! 2.00 acre tract; Thence South 0016'52" East, a distance of 300.00 feet, along the westerly line of said 2.00 acre tract, to a point in the northerly right-of-way line of said Basil-Western Road; Thence South 8943'08" West, a distance of 607.36 feet, along the northerly right-of-way line of said Basil-Western Road, to a point in a common line to said 50.37 acre tract and the Bert's Enterprises, Inc 2.2199 acre tract; Thence North 0017'16" West, a distance of 424.17 feet, along the common line to said 50.37 acre tract and 2.2199 acre tracts, to a point in the easterly right-of-way line of said Hill Road; Thence North 3815'26" East, a distance of 1746.66 feet, along the easterly right-of-way line of said Hill Road, to a point in a common line to said 50.37 acre tract and the James A. and Mary M. Corns 0.903 acre tract; Thence South 8955'39" East, a distance of 629.83 feet, along the northerly line of said 50.37 acre tract, to a point at a common corner to said 50.37 acre tract ! and the Michael K. and Christina M. Milenovic 1.424 acre tract ! and being in the westerly line of the Alyce Lucille Thornton 100.18 acre tract; Thence NORTH a distance of 799.52 feet, along the westerly line of said 100.18 acre tract, to a point in the easterly right-of-way line of said Hill Road; Thence North 3747'28" East, a distance of 40.33 feet, along the easterly right-of-way line of said Hill Road, to a point in a common line to said 100.18 acre tract and the Ruth E. Pifer 54.34 acre tract; Thence North 8959'40" East, a distance of 1338.71 feet, along the common line to said 100.18 acre and 54.34 acre tracts, to a point at a common corner to said 54.34 acre tract and the Gregory M. Bigus, Trustee 8.722 acre tract; Thence North 0018'00" West, a distance of 1339.03 feet, along the easterly line of said 54.34 acre tract, to a point at a common corner to said 8.722 acre tract and the Linda A. Will 1.50 acre tract; Thence the following three (3) courses and distances, over along the lines common to said 8.722 acre and 1.50 acre tracts:! 1. North 8959'58" East, a distance of 187.85 feet, to a point; 2. North 0007'30" East, a distance of 199.29 feet, to a point; 3. North 8653'46" West, a distance of 328.62 feet, to a point in the easterly right-of-way line of said Hill Road; Thence North 3726'48" East, a distance of 469.56 feet, along the easterly right-of-way line of said Hill Road, to a point in a common line to the Winchester Trace II Development, Inc 7.3874 acre tract and the Richard A. and Sharon J. Rowe 2.0385 acre tract; Thence South 7831'00" East, a distance of 471.51 feet, a distance along the common line to said 7.3874 acre and 2.0385 acre tracts, to a point at the southeasterly corner of said 2.0385 acre tract; Thence North 3707'40" East, a distance of 314.41 feet, along a westerly line of said 7.3874 acre tract, to a point at a common corner to said 7.3874 acre tract and the Gregory J. and Christina A. Karl 5.09 acre tract; Thence South 7842'54" East, a distance of 553.01 feet, along a common lin! e to said 7.3874 acre and 5.08 acre tracts, to a common corner ! to said tracts and being in the westerly line of "WOOD STREAM SECTION 1", a subdivision of record in Plat Cabinet 2, Slide 27; Thence North 0036'06" West, a distance of 743.65 feet, along the westerly line of said "WOOD STREAM SECTION 1", to a point in the southerly right-of-way line of said Busey Road; Thence North 8927'05" East, a distance of 19.96 feet, along a southerly right-of-way line of said Busey Road, to a point in the southerly extension of the easterly right-of-way of said Hill Road; Thence North 0032'55" West, a distance of 35.00 feet, along the said southerly extension of the easterly right-of-way line of said Hill Road, to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 387 acres, more or less. The above description was prepared from instruments of record and tax map information from the Fairfield County Recorder's Office and is intended for annexation purposes only. The bearings as shown herein are based on the centerline bearing of North 00 37' 55" West, for the centerli! ne of Hill Road, as shown on the record plat of The Villages at Sycamore Creek Section 1, a subdivision of record in Plat Cabinet 2, Slot 14, of record in the Recorder's Office, Fairfield County, Ohio. Richard C. Brahm, 145 East Rich Street, Columbus, Ohio, 43215, is to act as the agent for the petitioners. The petition contains an accurate map or plat of the territory to be annexed. The petition will be on for hearing in the Third Floor Courtroom, Old Courthouse Building, 210 East Main Street, Lancaster, Ohio on Tuesday, June 18, 2002 at 2:00 p.m., or as soon thereafter as the hearing can begin before the Board of County Commissioners of Fairfield County, Ohio. Richard C. Brahm Petitioners' Agent 387 Acre Annexation to City of Pickerington LEG April 26, May 3, 10, 17, 2002 #3487750

Some of the details --

"Pre-annexation agreements"

Trevcor - $20,000.00 road easment to be paid by City of Pickerington. Tax Abatement +/or TIF's, City to pay $1,000 attorney costs.
Bigus - (2) water & sewer tap fees & connection costs, buffer of trees (40), fire weapons discharge, zonig agreement to allow Senior Housing units.
Strait - water lines extended at no cost, $75,000.00 payment for easements (road - utilities), PR-10 zoning Condominiums & single family homes shall not exceed six units to the acre, attorney fees up to $2,500.00.
Weiser - C2 zoning (which allows for condos), $100,000.00 sewer and water tap fees re-imbursement, City to pay costs to road improvements on Hill & Basil western Roads (and a traffic light - unless othersize paid for), City to pay for a connector road, Tax abatement +/or Tif's, City to pay attorney fees up to $5,000.00, re-zoning by emergency ordinance.
Thorton - $40,000.00 easements, (2) water & sewer taps and connections, tax incenetives, discharge of weapons.
Fee Lines Homes - (1) water fee & swere fee for 2" line reimbursed., zoning to allow construction of storeage facility, grandfathering of billboards, road access grandfathered, up to 5 lit splits.
Weiser, Kevin (residential units) - reimburse (1) water & sewer fee, zoning of M.
Weiser, Polly, (residential units) - same agreemetn as above.
Schiefer - $40,000.00 easements, M zoning, tax incentives (TIF's).

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