In early summer 2004, Alta Planning + Design was retained by the City of Oregon City and Clackamas County to study the existing roadway conditions on Holcomb Boulevard and develop a streetscape concept that would achieve the goals and objectives of the neighborhood residents, City, and County. The goals and objectives were derived from comments at the first public workshop on June 30, 2004 at the Oregon City Baptist Church. The Objectivez include:
GOAL 1: SAFETY Provide pedestrian facilities that will enable all neighborhood residents to safely walk along and cross Holcomb Boulevard.
GOAL 2: PRESERVE NEIGHBORHOOD CHARACTER Design pedestrian facilities to preserve and enhance the character of the neighborhood as the area continues to develop and grow.
GOAL 3: CONSISTENCY WITHOUT UNIFORMITY Provide pedestrian facilities that are consistent but not redundant and pre-manufactured.
Go to the Holcomb Boulevard Pedestrial Enhancement Concepts link on the Links section of this website.