We, collectively, have so many talents to share, and the role of the neighborhood is important to Oregon City. Leadership roles vary, but on average you would spend an hour or two per week, depending on your voluntary level of involvement.
The Chair attends the CIC meetings, once a month, our Steering and General meetings which many of you are already doing, Right? It is not an overwhelming job!
Our steering committee is very active so the load in not on any one persons shoulders. All of the current leadership will continue on, in some capacity, so they will always be around to help.
The neighborhood is moving forward on projects including the Holcomb Road improvements, the neighborhood plan, continuing the traditions of Adopt-A-Road activities, and the Straight Cemetery clean-ups, a new brochure for visitors and new neighbors, and the oversight of the Land Use Committee which has plenty to do with all of this new growth.
Come be on the leadership team. Contact any of your PPNA leaders for more information and to put your name on the ballot!