Parkway Central Homeowners Association

2003 Bylaws





The Association shall be known in law as the PARKWAY CENTRAL HOMEOWNER’S ASSOCIATION, Inc., a non-profit corporation.

ARTICLE II – Purpose

The purpose for which the Association is formed is to promote and protect the pride of ownership throughout the Parkway Central, Somerset, and T. Beedy subdivisions, thereby protecting and enhancing the value and beautification of each homeowner’s property, as well as the general area. This will be achieved by enforcing building and use (deed) restrictions, by representing its members before governmental boards or bodies, by promoting social and recreational activities, and by engaging in such other activities as are incidental thereto and not forbidden by the laws of the State of Texas, and with all the powers conferred upon corporations by the laws of the State of Texas and City of Arlington.

ARTICLE III – Membership

Section 1. Members of the Association shall be restricted to resident deed holders within the Parkway Central, Somerset, and T. Beedy additions described as being one family homes within the geographical area of Van Buren Drive, Franklin Drive, Franklin Circle, Franklin Court, Washington Drive west to include only Lot 2 (T. Beedy), Lots 1,2, and 3 of Block 5A (Parkway Central), then Washington east to include Lots 3,4,5R, and 6R (T. Beedy), then to Adams Drive, Adams, Court, Coolidge Drive and Wilson Drive. For quorum purposes at Association meetings and for voting proxy, the property owners, where applicable, who are members in good standing, shall have one vote each, and each shall be one member.

The perimeters of the Parkway Central Homeowners’ Association are:

(a)Parkway Central Subdivision
Lots 1 - 34 inclusive in Block 5A
Lots 1 - 54 inclusive in Block 5B
Lots 1R - 33 inclusive in Block 10A
Lots 1 - 20 inclusive in Block 10B
Lots 1 - 15 inclusive in Block 10C

(b)Somerset Subdivision
Lots 1 - 12 inclusive in Block 1
Lots 1 - 9 inclusive in Block 2
Lots 4 - 8 inclusive in Somerset Lane Town Homes

(c)T. Beedy Subdivision (Voluntary)
Lots 2 - 6R inclusive

Section 2. The annual dues for membership in the Association shall be established at ten (10.00) per family per fiscal year. Dues can be adjusted at any meeting of the Board of Directors of the Association by an affirmative vote of a simple majority, including those votes submitted by proxy, providing that notice of the proposed change in annual dues shall have been included in the written notice of said meeting as specified in ARTICLE V – Meetings, of these Bylaws.

Section 3. The fiscal year shall be from May 1 through April 30 of each calendar year.

Section 4. A Special Assessment may be made on all members in good standing at any meeting of the membership, provided notice of the proposed assessment was duly given. To levy said Special Assessment, the affirmative vote of a simple majority of the members in good standing present at such meeting shall be required providing said Special Assessment does not exceed the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per family. In the event however, that the Special Assessment shall exceed the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per family, then the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3rds) majority of the members in good standing shall be required. Payment of any Special Assessment shall be made within the time or times fixed by the membership in connection with the making of such Special Assessment.

Section 5. Membership in the Association shall be mandatory for all lot owners. Any owner or resident who fails to pay Association dues or any Special Assessments within thirty (30) days after the designated due date shall no longer be members in good standing until such debt is satisfied. Lack of good standing does not relieve an owner or resident from adherence to the Parkway Central Deed Restrictions.

Section 6. Association Membership shall be available to non-homeowner residents. These members hall be entitled to all privileges of membership to the Association with the exception of voting rights and holding office.

ARTICLE IV – Management

Section 1. The Affairs of the Association shall be a twelve (12) member Board, from which four (4) members are elected by the Board to serve as officers. Members of the Board shall be elected by members in good standing at an Association meeting, including proxy votes. Only members in good standing are eligible to election to the Board. There will be one (1) Director representing each section of the subdivision described as follows:

Section 1 Coolidge Dr, 2100 - 2110 and all of Van Buren

Section 2 Coolidge Dr, 2111 - 2209

Section 3 Franklin Dr, 2000 - 2102 and all of Franklin Circle

Section 4 Franklin Dr, 2103 - 2117

Section 5 Franklin Dr, 2118 - 2212

Section 6 Franklin Dr, 2214 - 2230 and all of Franklin Court

Section 7 Franklin Dr, 501 - 557

Section 8 Wilson Dr, 2101 - 2114

Section 9 Wilson Dr, 2115 - 2204

Section 10 Wilson Dr, 2205 - 2218

Section 11 Adams Dr and Adams Ct, inclusive

Section 12 Washington Dr, 427 - 612

Section 2. The Board, as constituted at the annual Association meeting, shall meet as soon as practical after the annual meeting, for the purpose of electing from their number a Chairman, a Vice-Chairman, a Secretary and a Treasurer. The Board also shall select any standing Committee Chairperson from the remaining board members and any other officers and / or agents, which may or may not be currently elected members of the Board, as they may deem necessary for the effective transaction of the business of the Association. These other officers and / or agents can be representatives from other organizations relative to the effective conduct of the business of the Association and approved by the Board, and shall be considered as additional members of the Board with single vote privileges, but without proxy vote authority.

Section 3. Directors shall be elected for a two (2) –year term. A Director shall not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms (4) years. Directors are not required to live in the Sections they represent.

Section 4. Vacancies on the board shall be filled by the Board by a two-thirds vote. Incase of vacancy in the office of Chairman, the Vice-Chairman shall assume the Chairman duties.

Section 5. Any officer or agent may be removed by the Board of Directors by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Board whenever, in the judgment of the Board, the business interests of the Association will be served thereby.

Section 6. It shall be the duty of the Board to care for the property and interests of the Association and to determine the policies for the conduct of its affairs consistent with such specific instruction as the Board may receive from the Association. The Board shall have the power to raise and expend funds to promote the welfare of the Association and to employ all such means, not in conflict with these Articles or with the laws of the land, as it may deem proper and expedient to secure the objectives for which the Association is organized.

ARTICLE V – Meetings

Section 1. An annual general meeting for the Association members shall be held as soon as practical after the first day of March and before the last day of May each year.

Section 2. As a general rule, the Board shall convene four (4) times per year. The number of meetings can vary, dependent on the needs of the Association to conduct business properly. Any member in good standing can attend a Board meeting, but only Board members and other designated Officers and / or Agents serving at the discretion of the Board are entitled to vote at Board meeting.

Section 3. Special meeting of general members shall be held on call of the Chairman, or upon written request of 25% of the members in good standing.

Section 4. A written notice of the time, place and purpose of any meeting of general members shall be given by hand delivery or by first class mail to each and every member not less than ten (10) days before the date of the annual meeting.


Section 1. Six (6) members of the Board present shall constitute a quorum at meeting of the Board.

Section 2. Five percent (5%) of the membership in good standing shall constitute a quorum in any general meeting.

Section 3. The plurality rule shall prevail in all voting situations unless otherwise provided by the Bylaws.

Section 4. Robert’s RULES OF ORDER will govern areas not covered by these Bylaws.

Section 5. To allow significant representation as to the desires of the entire membership of the Association relative to the election of the Board of Directors and any other items of business as deemed necessary, written proxy voting will be provided to the membership. The proposals designated for solicitation of proxy votes will explain the need for the proposal, will include information relative to the recommendation of the Board and will describe how votes will be cast if the proxy is not returned. The written proxy votes shall be retained by the Board for one (1) year after the execution of any proposal decided by proxy voting to satisfy any challenges that may be forthcoming.

ARTICLE VII – Duties of Officers and Directors

Section 1. The Chairman shall preside at all meetings of the Association. He shall appoint the Chairman of all the Regular and Special Committees and shall cooperate with the Chairman of each such Committee in appointing the members of the various Committees. He shall call any meetings of the Board at such times as he may deem advisable or on request of not less than three (3) members of the Board. It is his duty to carry out the will of the Board and the Association as expressed at the respective meetings, and, in general, conduct the affairs of the Association in a manner consistent with the authority and responsibilities of his office.

Section 2. In the event of absence or disability of the Chairman, the vice-Chairman shall preside at all meeting of the Board.

Section 3. The Secretary shall attend all regular business meetings and meetings of the Board and keep a true and accurate record of the proceedings therein. It will be the duty of the Secretary to read the Minutes of all said meetings at the regular business meetings. The Secretary shall give individual notices to the Board and to all members of good standing when any meeting pertaining to either or both is called. The Secretary shall carry on the correspondence of the organization as directed by the Board.

Section 4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting all monies due the Association and shall keep account of all monies received by and expanded for the use of the Association. The Treasurer shall give a financial report at each business meeting and submit a written annual report, audited per instructions of the Board, at the annual General Meeting of the Association. The Treasurer shall deposit all funds in such banks as designated by the Board and disburse these funds as direct by the Board.

Section 5. The funds of the Association shall be deposited in such bank or banks or savings and loan association or associations as the Board may from time to time designate, and shall be withdrawn only by check, draft, order or otherwise, and only when such instrument has been signed by at least two of the elected officers, one of whom shall be the treasurer.

Section 6. Officers and Directors shall serve without material compensation. The Association of the Board may provide from Association funds for such necessary incidental expenses as may be incurred properly by such officers or Directors in the transaction of the Association business.

Section 7. The duties of the Directors are to represent their respective assigned geographical sections at the Board and general meetings. These duties include the presentation of any concerns from their sections that should be addressed by the Board, the collection of the annual dues and / or Special Assessments for their section in a timely manner, the delivery of Association newsletters and notices to each household as required and the delivery and retrieval of proxy votes as necessary. Directors also shall serve as Officers of the board as elected and serve on committees as agreed upon.

Section 8. Each Director is expected to attend four (4) Board meetings per year.

ARTICLE VIII – Order of Business

Section 1.

1. Call to order
2. Reading of minutes
3. Reports of Officers
4. Reading of Communications
5. Reports of Committees
6. Old Business
7. New Business
8. Adjournment

Any agenda as the Board may see fit can be substituted in place of items 4 to 8 inclusive.

ARTICLE IX – Amendments

Section 1. Any member in good standing or group of members in good standing may file with the Secretary such amendment or amendments to the Board, who, in turn shall give them due and thorough consideration. The Secretary shall send written copies of the amendment or amendments quoted exactly as submitted, and the Board’s recommendations for or against adoption to the general membership at least ten (10) day in advance of the meeting at which the amendment or amendments shall be voted upon.

Posted by dwandel on 08/25/2008
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