The Parkwood newsletter delivery system is divided into two sections and the following persons make sure that each home in Parkwood receives the community news. Special thanks to the following for their dedication:
Richmond Hill Dr. (South of Moorewood) June Barrett
Brick Church Pike - June Barrett
Richmond Hill Dr. ( North of Moorewood Dr.) -Johnnie Drake
Spears Rd. (Moorewood to Moorewood Dr.)- Carnal Barrett
Moorewood Dr. (West of Richmond Hill Dr.)- Sandra Bryant
Vailview Dr. (West of Richmond Hill Dr. - Clarence Banes
Brickdale Ln. & Qualyn Dr. - Lisa Moore
Wilmoth Dr. & Wilmoth Ct. - Walter Whitfield
Robwood Dr. & Starlight Dr. - Evelyn Kittrell
Carterwood Dr. & Carterwood Ct. - Nita Jones
Creekwood Dr. - Hershel Taylor
Leswood Dr. - Carolyn Brazelton
Leondale Terrace & Stockdale Ln. - Marie Babbs
Vailview Dr.& Hunley Dr. - (3200 block)- Geraldine Johnson
Doverside Dr. (3300 block) - Mamie Spencer
Crisylnndale Dr. & Roleeson Dr. - Paul Tate
Spears Rd. (Moorewood to Vailview Dr.)& Cynthis Ln.- Wilbert Martin
Masonwood Dr. - Mable Flectcher
Austin Ln. - Lorenzo Snell
Sennadale Dr. - Connie Shannon
Hawkwood Dr. - Nikita Baskerville
Eaglewood Dr. - Bill Venson
Healy Dr. & Healy Ct. - Susie Harris
Doverside Dr.(3200 block) & Doverside Ct. - Ben McClendon
Moorewood Dr. (Spears Rd. to Richmond Hill Dr.) Eddie Williams
Moorewood Dr. (Masonwood Dr. to Spears Rd.) - Bill Venson