We would like to hear from all of our residents and this is one of the
forums for you to provide feedback to the civic association. This is
our once-a-year meeting to discuss the business of the civic association: what went on last year and plans for the coming year.
There will be reports from the President, Treasurer and all of the
standing committees. This is the time for you to hear what the civic
association has been doing with your dues and to have input into the future
activities. Several people noted on their dues renewals that they
would like an accounting of where the dues are spent; this is your
opportunity to hear the reports.
Officers and board members will be elected -- come cast your ballot or
volunteer for an office or activity; there is always a need for new
people with fresh ideas and enthusiasm.
Our President, Stan Hafers has arranged to have a speaker from
Hillsborough County to discuss gang activity. Since our neighborhood saw the
results of this type of vandalism during 2007, it should be a very
informative topic.
Last but certainly not least, all Pat Acres residents attending the
meeting will have dinner provided by one of our generous residents who
owns a local restaurant. For last year's meeting, the dinner was
excellent -- don't miss out!
If you have any questions about the meeting, you can contact Stan
Hafers at 886-2875. See you there!
Pat Acres Estates Civic Association