WEDNESDAY, APRIL 22, 2009, 7:00 PM
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 by Vice President John Anderson. In attendance were Board members Al Delio, Fred Best, Daniel Rodriguez and Wolfgang Ploch. Trisha Eckoff arrived later. Also in attendance was Lana Bogdan from Premier Community Managers.
Proof of Notice was acknowledged unanimously and a quorum certified.
Board accepted the resignation of President Karen Graitge but decided to table the decision on a new President until the entire Board could discuss together.
A motion was made by Fred to approve the March meeting minutes, 2nd by Wolfgang, UA.
Al gave the financial report for month ending March and the ADR was reviewed. Premier is authorized to proceed with the final demand letter on 6 accounts and also authorized to send all other accounts over 90 days past due to the attorney when the 45 day notice expires. Board also unanimously agreed to start Foreclosure proceedings on homes with high past due balances, one at a time. Will start immediately with the home with the largest outstanding balance.
Al made a motion to reduce security patrol to save money to four days a week, 2nd by Fred, UA.
Old Business:
Entry Lighting: Tabled until Trisha gets more information.
Vandalism at Pool: Discussed possible ways to prevent this from occurring. Dan to talk to security companies to get possible quotes.
New Business:
Fred discussed people leaving their garbage cans out past the pick up date. Noticed it?’s not always the same homes doing it.
ARB Committee:
Gail discussed all ARB applications received this month and turned in the originals to Lana.
A motion was made by Fred to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by John, UA. Time was 8:30.