In response to increased crime in our neighborhood in the summer of 1988, the Association conducted a survey of residents about their personal experiences with criminal activity in the neighborhood. During the following months the Board reviewed these surveys, evaluated our options and decided to contract with off-duty Dallas policemen to provide patrols within the neighborhood. The patrols began Memorial Day weekend 1989 and have continued to this date. In 1991 the Dallas City Council passed a resolution establishing the Expanded Neighborhood Patrol program. This is the program under which we currently operate our patrols. It was amended effective January 2000 and the costs to the neighborhood is set by the City and annual contracts are signed. Currently, each neighborhood participating in the program has the option of three levels of participation. Our Association participates under Plan A which has fixed and variable costs but is the most beneficial for groups that use 700 or more hours of ENP patrol hours each year. We have been very fortunate to have some of the same officers working in our neighborhood since 1988. In the fall of 1995 neighborhood needs and concerns were re-evaluated by a committee of the Board but no significant changes were made in the way we administer our program. Neighbors receive a letter each quarter which provides information about recent criminal activity, a summary of the contributions and expenditures during the most recent quarter and a request for contributions. All of the money raised is used strictly for security patrols and related expenses such as postage and bank charges. All invoicing, money collecting and record keeping are done by volunteers. Statistical reports from the Police Department and our Crime Watch program reflect dramatically reduced criminal activity within our neighborhood since we began this program. We believe it is primarily due to patrols and the barrier fences on Herschel and Prescott. Each household is encouraged to contribute to the Security Patrols. If you have any questions or comments about the patrols, please feel free to get in touch with the Security Chair, any Board Member, or your Crime Watch Block Captain.