President, Harry Wilson, 1520 SW 71st Street, 685-5885, hchoochoo@aol.com
V.P. and Program Chair, Peggie Wallace, 1324 SW 61st, 685-0202, pwallace@artscouncilokc.com
Secretary, Anna Haakonson, 1420 SW 72nd, 681-7044, valkarie4@cox.net
Treasurer, Charles Lewis, 1312 SW 66th St., 685-7324, charles.e.lewis@cox.net
Sgt. At Arms, Johnny Vails, 1304 SW 72nd, 681-1085 *
Block captains Ch., Trish Presley, 1608 SW 62nd, 602-6499, sazzycaty2@cox.net
Patrol Chair, Don Porter, 1300 SW 61 Terr., 681-5245 *
Newsletter Ed., John Parasich, 7200 S. Indiana, 685-2849, jcpara@cox.net
Grants Coord., Larene Sherwood, 1341 SW 71st, 681-3094, larene.sherwood@dvn.com
Trustee, Shirley Cassity, 1313 SW 69th, 685-4487, scass31@sbcglobal.net
Trustee, Wylene Roberts, 1516 SW 71st, 681-1052, wyleneroberts@netlink.net
Cards of Concern, Bertha Starr, 685-4397, bjstarr1932@sbcglobal.net
Newcomer Packets, Carol Bellman, 1444 SW 66th, 681-2180, carolbellman@cox.net
Past President, Brenda Anshutz, 681-4108, ladybsooner.cox.net
* No e-mail
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