Northwest Interstate Coalition of Neighborhoods (NICON) is a city/state registered umbrella organization for community, neighborhood, public and private groups in and around these boundaries: Lp 1604, IH-10, Lp 410, and Bandera Rd less Leon Valley. NICON and the City Planning Dept recently held three open public meetings at Health Careers HS, Rudder MS, and Stinson MS, to "brainstorm" and talk about the NICON area's issues of community/natural strengths and weaknesses. The turnout was decidedly low but you can get involved through this connection and voice your own thoughts about the NICON area's strengths and weaknesses.
A community plan is a blueprint to help your community go from where it is today to where you want it to be in the future. The plan includes the voice from all area "stakeholders" - homeowners, renters, churches, businesses, schools, neighborhood/community and other groups.
The first step to this community plan is in defining strengths and weaknesses to form goals. Next is to identify strategies and partners to make these goals come to reality. Then getting a working OK from the City Planning Dept. to then go before the City Council for approval. The city's master plan is one thing but our community plan is much more specific and not all issues maybe funded or prioritized. The community plan is a guide for all governmental and community players.
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