Welcome! Your RPHA Board of Directors is here to serve the neighborhood. Residents should feel free to contact the appropriate Board member listed below according to the subject of interest.
Webmaster - David Shorrosh
Email: dshorrosh@yahoo.com
RPHA President - Brian Talkington
Email: brian.talkington@goldleaf.com
Home: 252-4764
RPHA Vice President - Kara Amis
Email: amis5@aol.com
Home: 461-8180
Grievances - Rick Loyd
Email: rloyd@cox.net
Home: 252-7851
RPHA Legal - Gretchen Schilling
Email: gmschilling@cox.net
Home: 250-8345
RPHA Finances - Myra Kuchel
Email: myrakuc@cox.net
Home: 760-0482
Neighborhood Pool & Playground - Donna Husted
Email: dahsbu77@aol.com
Home: 461-0123
RPHA Architectural - Kimberly Widner
Email: kawidner@cox.net
Home: 254-5936
Neighborhood Beautification - Heather Fisher
Email: heatherfisher@cox.net
Home: 249-0957
RPHA Social Chairperson - Diane Moore
Email: dianemoore@cox.net
Home: 250-6336
Neighborhood Maintenance - Connie Lollar
Email: rjlollar@aol.com
Home: 459-0712