Who will gain: Who will lose?
With the tremdous growth going on right now in Fort Oglethorpe it is hard to predict who will come out the winners and who will be the losers.
- As far as we can tell, all the investment money to finance the currant growth is coming in from outside. Money accumulated in other places and money invested by millions of stock purchasers and being used by the companies building the businesses in our community.
- Obviously all the land owners must have been willing to sell and are probably thinking their stars that their heretofore fallow land has brought premium money.
- The city and county officials seem to be happy about all the growth because these kind of retail establishments collect sales tax and that adds up into the millions.
- Other possible winners could be home owners who are likely to see their property values go up when they are ready to sell.
- However all will not win. Those who have no property may well find that their rent goes up.
- Twenty five percent of people living in zip 30742 are living at the poverty level or below, it is hard to see how their life will be improved.
- This site is open to all and we welcome your thoughts and comments.