David Evans, President
David has been on the board since it formed in January of 2001. He has lived in Riverwalk since, July 2000.
Marian Ashley, Vice President
Marian has lived in Riverwalk since January 2000. She has been on the board since April 2002.
Bob Sochurek, Treasurer
Bob has lived in Riverwalk since April of 1999. He has been on the board since July 2001.
Tia Truxon, Member-at-Large
As an original member of the board Tia has served tirelessly as Secretary and currently as an at-large-member. She has lived in Riverwalk since May 2000.
Interested in Participating on the Board?
Want to help the community? We need two additional board members?‘send us an email or a letter and indicate your interest!